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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9rCc4SZNSI
  2. God damn Americans. Why not just invade anyone who questions what really happened in Roswell? Sheesh. ()
  3. Is it wrong that I get annoyed by people telling me to 'open my eyes to what's really going on'? Why does there have to be a plan? The way the world works doesn't really work with a plan in mind. I'm sure there are those who would like to see a worldwide United Nations, where every country is involved and has a say, but it would be in the interests of the people (i.e. stopping dickheads like Hussain/Bin Laden/Gaddafi/Bush doing really stupid shit and screwing over their people/countries) rather than in order to make billions of dollars. But it just isn't possible at the moment. Through political, religious or whatever else differences, there isn't the right 'atmosphere' to make something like that happen, and it won't for a long time to come, particularly while national identity exists. You're saying Bill Gates is trying to take over the world (in a non commercial/MS related way of course)? What can he gain from that? He's one of the richest men in the world and could do whatever the hell he likes. Next on the list for what exactly? The only places that link Venezuela (or Iran or Russia) to the NWO are... NWO alarmist sites. When has the fact that oil will run out ever been denied? It's known as a finite resource and I've never heard anyone say that it isn't... because they'd be mad and wrong. Whatchootalkinabout? Again, says who? The NWO sites? Oh god, are they using subliminal messages in Coke ads again? Or is it in the water this time? It's not working well, it's just that some people are able to read a lot into something when there's nothing there to start with. I completely agree that some corporations are screwed. The building stuff that was in Farenheit 9/11 after Iraq is a complete joke but it only serves to make some people filthy rich, the wider effect seems to be minimal. It's the way it's always been, and with third world countries (who tend to have huge populations but no money/wealth) it's not hard to see how that works. They don't own the oil as such, just own the land (whether by chance (king Abdullah DurkaDurka who was born into it) or by screwing over peasants or whatever) they can then do what they want and make a shitload of money from it. Again, humans (read selfish beings) have been doing it for millennia... I'd call that luck (and some amount of selfishness). I feel bloody lucky to have been born in the UK where we are rich, comfortable, have no famine or drought, no local wars etc etc but someone born in Iraq or Somalia or whatever is unlucky and has to live with many of those things. It often comes from selfish, power hungry (and retarded) 'governments' but there's nothing we can do about that, it's the way of the world but not part of anyone's 'plan'. Did Bill Gates not give like $6 BILLION to charity a while back? The evil, twisted, sadistic b*****d. Oh, wait... I'm doing just fine thanks, don't think I've been adversely affected by Bill Gates and his fortune once in my life, well unless you count that annoying User Account Control thing in Windows... Protecting kids from diseases? Awful, how do we allow it?! Bohemian Grove sounds like a good name for a band... Third one sounds like good science but I don't know what that's led to. How do you get one to Di from that?! Did the NWO force her to not put on her seatbelt? Or was she already dead when they hit the underpass? Wasn't she a shapeshifting alien reptile anyway? What about Dodi? Surely Mohammad Al Fayed would've been in the NWO as one of the richest people in the country? I'm all for a good conspiracy theory but this all sounds like crap. I thought the original Illuminati were great thinkers of their times, forced underground to avoid being arrested for being heretics, this NWO thing just seems too far fetched and poorly thought out. Wow, longest post by me... ever? Had to remove quotes as too many. Pooooo pooooo person signing out.
  4. You've got to admit there were a few fairly weird elements to those attacks... We sure as hell weren't given anything like the real story (or truth) on that front. Loose Change takes it too far but if half of what in there is true there are some serious questions to answer. While we're here... moon landings yay or nay?
  5. Footage of what? Seriously Dave, all this 'PM me', 'I'll send you links', 'FB me' is doing nothing to convince me. Are you scared that if you post what you know on a public forum 'They' will come and take you to a secret detention camp? This could be a place for a reasonable discussion on the reasoning behind America's interest in certain countries among other things but all this cloak and dagger stuff is just annoying! What, because people show an interest but you're unable to provide anything other than alarmist American conspiracy stuff? Give us something to work with Dave!!
  6. It depends which crank you have down and where your weight is being supported what angle the bike will be at in order to balance.
  7. Damnit, I wish I could've made it! Haven't seen Nick in sooo long! Have to hook up soon. Nice pics, though I must say Iain's face combined with those Monty Pixie boots in the first one is epic .
  8. 19mm drill (and a 17.5mm or similar if you're feeling nice) and coolant/lubricating fluid... Dremel probably isn't really up to it, or at least it will take you ages to get there.
  9. I got the '100% Brumotti' DVD after this came up last year and it's really good to see such a fresh style. He's clearly a little nuts though...!
  10. Not sure if he's 'sponsored' by Armani etc. but he's a professional male model as well as trials rider hence the link to the fashion industry.
  11. Well that pic's him riding for Armani so no idea who else he's involved with.
  12. Vittorio Brumotti. Most definitely Italian rather than Spanish.
  13. Can't help really, when I had the Beta 250 it wasn't road registered so I couldn't insure it with normal motorcycle insurance and it was only worth about £600 so I didn't bother insuring it by any other means. You could give your home insurance people a ring and find out where you stand with theft from a shed/garage or whatever. Explain that it's not a road vehicle and see if they'll add it as a specific item on the insurance.
  14. Come on, seriously? 3 of your 5 posts are in this thread. Please don't spam the forum.
  15. Where is the fluid coming straight out of?
  16. Is the waste pipe just a straight through pipe? I've tried bleeding before with one way valves designed for cars/motorbikes and the valve was too strong to allow fluid through. Only other thing it can be is a blockage in the system somewhere... Does sound a bit strange! As a sanity check, if you loosen the syringe, does the fluid escape under gravity or is it still held in?
  17. You're doing something wrong... Can you explain how you're trying to bleed it, what end the syringe is on, where the spent fluid is being extracted from etc?
  18. Cool beans. What material are you going for?
  19. Looks good though I think it would look better if the lightening holes followed the curvature of the ring rather than running straight.
  20. Do the bolts up just enough to hold the cylinders in place while still allowing you to twist/move them with a little effort. Get them very roughly aligned (straight on the rim and parallel with the rim in both orientations) then set the lever pull: Make sure your TPA is wound off and move the cylinders in until you get the desired amount of reach on the lever when the pads contact the rim. If the cylinders are too close, lever pressure should push them out, though you may need to play a little to get them even. Once you have that set you just need to tweak the alignment to make sure the pads hit the rim square and are parallel and aligned. Tighten the bolts up and you're good to go. It is much easier with mounts which don't sue the cylinder washers though...
  21. Still needs a nice Pivotal setup to finish it off!
  22. Im srsly nt cnvncd by tht. Text talk in anything other than texts is just plain lazy and really annoying... though, to be fair, I type properly in texts and use proper punctuation too. I truly hope it has no official place in the English language.
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