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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. They haven't been around for years. Apart from tracking one down second hand you could try getting in touch with the Magura importers... Used to be Venhill but not sure if it still is.
  2. I use a technique kinda like doing a pedal up but instead of using the power to go up, it accelerates you forwards. I roll in with my good foot down. Speed depends on the size of the gap but to start with just roll in with walking pace or thereabouts. The trickiest bit is getting the timing right to know when to start pedalling. When I'm at the right distance from the edge (just before my front wheel gets there I think) I start pedalling to bring the front end up and then as the rear wheel is just getting to the edge my good foot is just coming in to give the power kick. The cranks have done 3/4 of a turn and as the power kick comes in I jump forwards and up to allow the bike to accelerate across the gap. Edit: 0:48
  3. If you can take a whole link out of the chain do that anyway but otherwise, as Scott says, a two wheel tensioner would be the better solution.
  4. Kinda like... That? Or That? Or even That.
  5. Well, since no negative response has been made relating to the aforementioned agreement I shall take it that you are happy to enter into an agreement between Mr Kieran Morrison (hereafter referred to as 'The Client') and monkeyseemonkeydo (hereafter referred to as 'The Recipient of 10% of The Clients earnings from now until forever'). I shall get the paperwork moving and my lawyers will be in touch soon. Pleasure doing business with you.
  6. You didn't really... Within the first 3 or 4 posts you should've been able to sus out what's going on and work it all through. Instead we kept on going through the same things again and again for 4 pages... Anyhoo, how did the test go?! I would like 10% of all future earnings if my help results in you taking the C/G course.
  7. About £180 for the T-Pro and £250 for the Scott... maybe.
  8. Really? That sounds fairly poorly thought out on Maguras part! Edit: Ah ok, not quite what I imagined but still seems a little odd with the open syringe to collect the used fluid...
  9. Should I have?! Done lots of other things in wind tunnels but not broken wind. Actually, I have been in a tunnel when someone else has farted and we did switch the fan on at low RPM to move the offending odour...
  10. Well, 29 in a couple of weeks and still riding and still enjoying it .
  11. Sucks doesn't it, feels like you've done something major. But yeah, try and relax and it'll go eventually, with deep heat helping things along. If it doesn't go away by tomorrow probably worth speaking to your (medical) doc!
  12. You'll just have tweaked a muscle. Done it a couple of times. Found deep heat helped quite well, maybe pop a couple of ibuprofen's to reduce any inflammation and help with the pain. (Nearly) Dr David Marshall, MEng (1st class (hons)), EngD in vehicle aerodynamics
  13. For a complete set of Hope Pro2 wheels? Are you proper mental? I'd have said the rear alone could be worth about £80-£100...
  14. I guessed as much- the fact you spelt pneumatics right gave me confidence you knew what you meant!!
  15. Does anyone have any experience with WTB Prowler MX/XT tyre? Look quite good and have read some reasonable reviews but would be interested to hear opinions. Also, what are DMR Moto Diggers like for this sort of use? I'm basically in the same boat as Tic, Am still using 2.3 Specialized Enduros that came on my Hardrock in 2005 but fancy a faster rolling alternative (though around the same width).
  16. Just a minor point but worth noting that pneumatics is the use of compressed gas to do work, rather than liquids. They are all fluids of course but there is an important difference .
  17. I don't even know what the original question was...
  18. That had bugger all to do with your brake being bled with water. Well, unless you did a crap job of it.
  19. Water is a hydraulic fluid! Jebus... Hydraulics is the utilisation of the power of fluids/liquids to transfer energy and carry out work. In that sense a hydraulic fluid could be tomato ketchup, urine, tea, whisky... any liquid really. It just so happens that if you try and use a crane which uses Tetley as the fluid it might not work quite so well as an oil which has been specifically designed to deal with massively high pressures while not compressing, getting hot, leaking past seals and lubricating seals. A bicycle brake isn't quite the same. If I ran a maggy these days, I'd happily run tea in mine just to prove a point... Brad- Have you tried a water bleed before?
  20. But your point (particularly when considering the brakes) is entirely invalid, plus you have no experience of what you're arguing, yet you're still continuing to dig deeper. Regarding the oil vs. water jetwash scenario... I've heard of water jets being used to cut stupidly thick steel yet I've never come across an oil jet cutter. So yeah...
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