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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. I've yet to go up there, the main reason I haven't been yet being the fact it's over the other side of the M25 which is just a bit of a ballache. Having said that, I would be more tempted to go up if there were basic facilities like Rich mentioned suitable for camping...
  2. Unless you're the US president, quickly approaching re-election but doing really badly in recent polls... Just sayin'.
  3. Don't try and get a good result, just enjoy yourself and meet lots of people. Best advice would be to hook up with someone else who can show you the ropes and you can walk the sections with. Take your time in the sections and try not to rush and don't be too worried if you do worse than you think you're capable of.
  4. He was struggling to keep his balance because the cables were a bit greasy apparently. Was on his 'Bigtime Trial Adventure' thing in South Africa I think- Table Mountain. And yes it's real. Next image, And down.
  5. A lot of them do seem to be cracking at the top tube/seat tube join... not good. If you've got the money, take a look at this. My old bike which is set up really nicely.
  6. But occasionally spreads to people putting any random stuff in their spokes from rizla papers to chocolate wrappers and anything else you fancy.
  7. Well since I was ignored completely I said screw the lot of you and bought a pair of WTB Prowler MX folding tyres (2.3's). They're a bit wider than my old tyres but have a more rounded profile and lower rolling resistance. However they've also got some pretty meaty knobs on them so really give confidence with cornering and seem to bite in on acceleration/deceleration too. And they were only a tenner each...
  8. No worries. Just posted in your wanted thread too- worth a look
  9. Looks in fairly good condition but I still would be looking to pay maybe £550 for it... £950 is way too much in my humble opinion.
  10. Any pics? I wouldn't want to spend more than £400-£500 on something like that unless it's all brand new and virtually unused.
  11. Seems very odd to 'bury him at sea' immediately... Surely some formal identification would be required to make sure it was him. Could've been any one of his many impersonators if there's no proof or evidence. Edit: Ah, ok, having read a bit more it does make some sense.
  12. Usually refers to something which is enforced... They didn't forget to put the 'lawyers lips' on the dropouts or something did they? It may be a minor mis-translation though and that the non compliance is with their own designs- wrong material/treatment or wall thickness used at the factory.
  13. So the Yanks have apparently raided a compound in Pakistan and killed Osama Bin Laden. Will it make any difference to the continuation of Al Qaeda's operations? will it result in some counter strikes from his supporters? Will there be any questions to be answered on Pakistan's front seeing as it would appear he has been living in a mansion in some major town... Discuss...
  14. 13 year old hanging round street corners at 2230 on a school night? What's the world coming to? Edit, also loving the quote...
  15. Too small for a car (unless it's a very small RC car) so I'm gonna go with some kind of micro/macro air vehicle maybe...
  16. Without meaning to be rude it does seem somewhat over-engineered yet under-designed... Can't help feeling it could be simplified a good deal while also using more sensible dims but then I don't know the background to it.
  17. Excellent reasons JQ! I've ridden a few demos with her at Beaulieu and she seems really down to earth and a genuinely nice lass. Not bad on a bike either!
  18. They do exactly what they need to. It's not like opening a bank account/taking out a loan or whatever is going to be an impulse buy... I would expect most people to sus out exactly what they're getting before signing up. I'm actually quite impressed that wonga.com (or whatever it's called) are quite clear that the effective APR of their loans is over 3500%.
  19. Since he's talking about pairs I'm assuming we're talking horizontal dropouts and either chain tugs or snail cams. If you could upload a pic of the setup you're using someone will be able to help.
  20. Looks like it deserves a black front mudguard... Very nice though!
  21. Wait, you don't get a personal visit from Adam? No way!
  22. Just run a disc... Or go brakeless. One or t'other!
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