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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Haha, fair enough! I guess what I'm getting at is that there was nothing in that video that a lot of us couldn't do.
  2. After Ackrigg's video's that was a bit 'meh'... Maybe that's just me though.
  3. No pics in sigs please. Used to run about 15psi in the rear and 15-20 in the front. Depends on how you ride, what you ride and how smooth you are though.
  4. Not even wearing a full face... nuts.
  5. 99.9% certain they'll be entirely incompatible.
  6. Hammer or leather/rubber mallet if you're feeling mechanically sympathetic should do the job...
  7. It's a Monty X-lite from about 2003/2004 I'd guess which has been painted and stickered up.
  8. What have they done to that?! Looks a mess with the random black bits and seems silly high...
  9. Only one? Bowler Wildcat stripped out in the back to be semi practical.
  10. But that wasn't the point/question. Ali said that Kenny is 'just about the best rider on the planet'. koxxboy14 then said that 'Kenny is the best all round rider'. Neither of them mention trials. The video you posted of Gilles is him doing his normal compy trials on street obstacles. Sure he's bloody good at trials but he is not a rounded rider (from what I've seen/is shown in that video). I completely agree with Ali/koxxboy/Mark that Kenny is one of the best riders (note: not purely trials) in the world. Very few, if any, come close to his ability to lend his hand to anything to such an incredibly high level. Not even Gilles in his stupid short shorts...
  11. I find it just plain greedy. Come on Scott, share 'em out!! Site looks nice and clean dude, good job
  12. Entrepreneurs making money?!
  13. You see, I thought that they thought that anyone who's left will be dead... soooo who's going to look after their pets? I thought they were stupid for being religious in the first place but these guys are even more dumb it seems!
  14. Yes, the bike will have a tendency to lean if you try to balance on the bashring, although if you ride left foot forward this is far less of an issue. The trick of course is not to use it at all! The ring/plate should be there to protect things in the event of coming into contact with something, and it's always good to avoid using it if you can. The bashplate is based on what the Megamo's used to run and I don't think anyone makes anything which would be a direct replacement. On mine the rear mounts got pushed up into the chainstays and on one frame resulted in snapping the stay, the other one dented after a few rides at which point I returned the frame to Revell and bought a Zoo Python!
  15. If I were you I'd look into getting a bash ring instead of the bashplate. I ran two of the Revell mods a few years back and I bent the rear guard mounts on both, annoyingly easily, just through light use. Not worth the risk in my mind.
  16. Yeah I wouldn't worry- the downtubes on Fourplay are 2mm thick so dents tend not to be too serious. My last frame is still going strong after 3/4 years and has had a dent slightly smaller than yours since the first week. Having said that, with my Tartybikes hat on- definitely get a carbon protector because they're pimp as fook .
  17. To add to the other replies, make sure your front wheel just makes the top of the wall. If you think about it, if you go too high and come down onto the wall all of your forward momentum is lost. You want to almost pedal gap into the wall, front wheel just landing on top, then immediately throw your weight forward before extending the bike out in front of you.
  18. Continuing on from this, does anyone know of a good Android app which allows you to have offline access to maps? When using navigation or whatever it sucks when the data signal drops out and although you still have GPS the phone can't access the maps to show your location. I've got a 16GB SD card and don't see why I can't have a simplified map available all the time... does that exist?!
  19. There's not an awful lot in Bournemouth itself but there are some spots in the area. Have a look at this thread for some places in the South.
  20. I think the sticker is unrelated to the age of the bike, it's just stating that it passed the British Standards tests which haven't been changed since that date. I'd put the bike around the 2003-4 sort of period and should do you just fine to learn the basics on and practise for moto riding.
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