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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Yeah, I was originally looking for a frame but all the bits on my previous bike (fairly cheaply built steel singlespeed hardtail) weren't really suitable for a full sus AM build. The Commencal was bought new by the seller and has hardly been used from the looks of it. All pretty good spec components so I bit the bullet and went for it. Cost me £850 on eBay and I think it was in the region of £2k new (seller paid ~£1600 in an end of year sale).
  2. Me either until I came across them on a forum and they seem to get very good write ups. I was bidding on a BMC TF02 before I got the Meta and have to say there are some nice design features on them. Quality Swiss engineering!
  3. What about a BMC Trailfox? That was my other option but ended up going with the Commencal for no better reason than it looks cooler imo!
  4. Let me know when and I'll take my bike with me to work .
  5. Tough call... Sizing is fairly standard from what I can tell. I'm usually a size 10/45 and that worked out fine for my average plates. They don't seem to be overly narrow or wide fitting. From my limited use I've been very impressed with it- seems nice and smooth with not much notable flex. Tic is far better placed to comment though as he's had his for ages now and used it in the Alps etc.
  6. Yeah I'm using Shimano MP66's and get on fine with them .
  7. Not a problem to be honest. They make a big difference for normal riding and I've never had an issue during more 'spirited' riding. I have mine set reasonably slack for easy release but can't complain.
  8. That was Pure. Dead. Brilliant. Awesome riding on all bikes, really impressive lines! I demand more .
  9. Cool, cheers for that- will see what I can get hold of.
  10. What's the best (most bargainous) solution for a chain device? Reckon I'll lose the granny ring, shifter and front mech like I did on the singlespeed but I'll need something to keep things together... Tic, I'm looking at you!
  11. Ok, so I'm blaming my fiance's brother for this but having messed around on a singlespeed steel hardtail for the past few months I'm going to give full bounce a try. Commencal Meta 5.5.2 fresh from eBay. Will get some pictures in the daylight when I get the chance.
  12. No, Christophé- Chris Abbey from Salisbury.
  13. Gotta laugh at the proximity of this thread to the 'dangle in her angle' thread...
  14. Yes but you may need a new olive, depends if you can get the old one off ok. If it were me I'd just flush it through and bleed with water.
  15. Well, that was a bit of an endurance event but well done Jenson!!
  16. Dude you were on fire! I seriously need to practise my streety riding... Felt properly outclassed yesterday! Massive thanks to Mark for organising it, Dave and the Inspired boys for the various prizes handed out plus big props particularly to Nick Dave, and Ben for ripping it up! Was really good to catch up with some old faces- always good to see Rowan and people and awesome to see Boon out again on a Curtis.
  17. This is kinda disturbing... I feel sorry for the kid. I'm sure he enjoys it to a point but 4 year olds shouldn't be in 'training' or being taught/told to 'focus, focus, focus'. It also concerns me that on the biketrials bit you're just telling him to Go. Go. Go Go. Where's the 'good job, well done Malcolm (smile, hug, pat on the back)'? Ok, so you want your kid to be the next Travis Pastrana but let him actually be a kid not just an extreme sports athlete in training.
  18. Not trying to be a dick but that's exactly what Facebook/Twitter and stuff are for.
  19. Sooo, one big jolly? Not to serve Queen and Country, protect our freedom or defend the defenseless?
  20. I like Steven Hall... I reckon Mrs Queeny would too.
  21. Yup, it's still doing the rounds on the forum as well. Last seen in NMC a couple of months back if memory serves me correctly...
  22. Not convinced that would do anything at all... Most of your weight should be centred over the axle and that is still rigid. If your foot is flexing round the axle then you will be putting pressure on both the front and rear of the pedal body and due to the scissor type design that would virtually negate any 'suspension' effect as well wouldn't it? Combined with those square extrusions which look like they limit 'travel' to a few mm, it just all seems wrong!
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