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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. The fourplay downtube has a 2mm wall thickness so a protector is basically unnecessary. Only get one for aesthetics.
  2. But preferably not that tosser Alonso...
  3. Blog appears to have gone but his channel on vimeo has some weird stuff on it too: Link.
  4. It disappoints me so much that Steven Hamilton has basically turned into a druggy waster... His part in 'Can I Eat?' is the coolest I've seen.
  5. Not if you're running the freewheel on the back you don't . A 22T chainring at the front is equivalent to standard 18:15 gearing which is used by pretty much everyone who rides 'proper' trials on stock. Stick with it and you'll get used to it.
  6. One thing to note which is most likely unrelated to the problems you're experiencing is that it doesn't look like the spring is seated properly on the pulley bolt that it's supposed to hook onto.
  7. Fair enough. Don't really know why you wouldn't just use MSN or Skype itself to do it though.
  8. JT in predicting future shocker.
  9. Please use capital I's in your replies. I can barely understand what it is you're trying to converse with all those i's.
  10. But where's the fun in that? Just. Do. It.
  11. Try both. You'll probably find on lower things you can give a slight kick to help the forward motion but on higher stuff it tends to be more of a 'deadlift'.
  12. Christ some of that stuff was big. Boy's a monster!
  13. Good stuff, Scott. I don't doubt you'll have plenty of success with the new team.
  14. Yeah I ran one for a while but eventually took it off through lack of use. I turned up a custom bolted steel axle for my echo hub and had no problems with it.
  15. I'm having a search but if all else fails I can pop in on Monday and let you know if you like.
  16. I'm up to a 10 now. Thesis done so now a doctor, got engaged the other week, getting married in August, House is good, payrise is coming, promotion prospects excellent, new bikes... aaaaall good
  17. I don't believe there is any mechanical advantage, the techs are just better thought out, better designed and nicer to use in my opinion.
  18. I want it to be an awesome colour Very clean otherwise
  19. Except his passenger who was hurt and killed.
  20. It would appear they're prototypes going under the brand 'BR'... Linky.
  21. That was one of the first things I thought too.
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