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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. The outer is effectively keeping the distance between the caliper and the lever constant, due to it's more rigid structure. If you could have your lever set up with the cable aligned with the direction of pull of the cable at the caliper then it would work without an outer, but because that can't work with the geometry of the bike, location of the bars etc. it's impossible.
  2. 18:16 will be massively too low. Try going the other way and try 18:13. Will take a while to get used to but would certainly be better than 16.
  3. The lack of runoff/give in the crash barriers is one thing but the crash structures in the cars seem to be fairly shite too- in the crash I lost count of the number of cars which had just turned into darts with no side impact structure left. Combined with the apparent crap fuel cells there really are issues there. You mention the F1 and Lemans accidents where the cars have taken off- in none of those have there been a fatality or even a serious injury (in recent years anyway). Sure Dan was unlucky but it does seem like the Indy series (not Nascar ) is unnecessarily dodgy.
  4. Not really. There are a few spots around Weymouth but not much on Portland itself.
  5. Aha... yeah... I'd never even noticed!! :$ Good point, well made! The Hope (even with the rotor the wrong way round) works really well on the back. With the 180mm rotors the front is almost too powerful sometimes compared to what I used to run but the rear is spot on- plenty of modulation for manuals but full on bite when you need it. *scurries off to the garage to switch the rotors round*
  6. Someone will have to donate me a mod before that can happen! Open to offers of course
  7. Haha, I know I know! I guess a more appropriate title would be along the lines of 'just checking in'... The old Mk1 was 'still going strong' after about 3 years of abuse- I think this bike will probably outlive my ability to physically ride to be honest!
  8. I truly suck at getting videos out! Meant to do something over the Summer but that never happened for various reasons... Apart from some little clips that Dan Jones has captured I haven't managed to get any footage together on the 2011 .
  9. No the white/blue/camo one was swapped for the 2011 model late last year... couldn't resist when the dual disc bikes came out!
  10. It's coming up towards a year old so I thought I'd take some pics while the sun was out. Only changes from stock are the Rohloff tensioner, Eclat Gonzo seat and Hope barends.
  11. I did consider that interpretation and decided not to edit...
  12. Are you seriously 20 and doing a degree? Fuck me.
  13. Without wanting to start an argument (honest!) those lines seem to totally contradict one another.
  14. Definitely a bit of both. I started riding because it was fun, challenging, something different and something to do. After a couple of years of riding by myself (being the only person within a 30 mile radius who actually rode trials) I met some other riders and realised that I was actually pretty good. Once I had others to gauge my level on I still loved riding but also got pleasure in being able to do bigger and better stuff. I guess now I ride as much because it makes me happy as because I'm reasonably good and enjoy the feeling of getting things right. If I'd never progressed and was still hammering bashrings on 2 foot high walls I don't think I'd be getting the same enjoyment as knowing that I have progressed to where I am.
  15. That 'County: West Yorkshire' tends to be a fairly good guide as to who makes that list. Just sayin'.
  16. Personally I'd have attributed the way he looks to his parents but each to his own
  17. Nicely shot but the riding really doesn't warrant it I'm afraid!
  18. Very possibly the gayest thing I've ever seen. Depends whether you want to do it while backhopping or bunnyhopping or whatever but essentially it's a case of leaning back with fairly straight legs and forcing your arms round.
  19. Who else was in the MBUK Wrecking Crew for a while? I probably still have the tee at home somewhere! I only joined for the dogtags though...
  20. I do wish they'd stop using that picture which makes him look like such a smug unt.
  21. Oh yeah, I forgot! Actually, I'm good
  22. That may be so, but none of those things make me want to buy an energy drink... I find it impressive what companies like Red Bull have achieved, which almost seems to be less about selling the drink now and more about promoting every kind of underground type of sport you can think of. Apple just need to rename a product and all the fanboys will buy it. And I actually do think that a lot of their stuff 'sells because it looks cool'- that's what the fanboys want. In some circles you simply have to be an Apple person to be accepted and I find that really sad, particularly when some of the products are so frickin' closed and restrictive for no reason whatsoever.
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