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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Your grasp of the language begs to differ, Mr Anscombe!
  2. It's important to realise that waves, whether radio waves through air or water waves in the sea, do not involve a stream of particles travelling along the path of the wave, rather the particles through which the wave passes move within a limited region with a defined energy and frequency to produce the result which we can see/measure. Obviously where the sea is concerned there is underlying currents which do involved particle transport, but this is different to what causes waves to travel along the surface. Light is just special... It can be treated as both s particle and wave under different circumstances.
  3. Quantum physics jokes: by far the quickest way to kill a thread... Edit: Actually, talking of quantum physics, how frickin' cool is this?
  4. Gravity is not something that exists like a substance, it is a force which is exerted on everything with mass in the Universe. Following from that yes, the total mass in the Universe is constant but if the Universe were made up from many similarly sized objects and nothing else then your theory would hold (probably) but the point is that things collide, masses join and supermassive stars collapse creating black holes. These black holes (which have effectively infinite mass at their centre I believe) therefore attract everything in the area towards them and 'swallows' it up. I guess in the case of two black holes, the larger one will win... RE: Neutrino>Usain Bolt: It's the way the experiment is carried out which doesn't stand up for me though. I'm quite happy to accept that something may be able to go faster than light, hell why not? However, this experiment relies on CERN being able to tell exactly when an individual neutrino leaves their collider in order to determine when it arrives in Italy, correct to billionths of a second. They aren't even measuring the same particles but are using some convoluted probability to determine what they're measuring. I think in this instance no one will ever be sure.
  5. So does the fact that the Universe is actually still expanding at an increasing rate mean that the timescale for this is simply beyond our concept of time? I can envisage an infinite number of individual Universes existing outside our own, each existing independently and unaware of each other (i.e. not parallel as such). As another point of discussion, the potential of neutrino's to go faster than light? I call bullshit (well, I call limitations of experimental equipment/experimental error/unclear beginning of the neutrino's journey from CERN).
  6. Edit: I should learn to read gooder.
  7. Yeah, Giro's fit my head better but the Fox Flux is way cooler
  8. Yeah they're M6. The other dimension required (assuming pitch is the same) is the length of the screw. If you get something like 25's you can always cut them down slightly if necessary but it depends how much extra you need.
  9. Kings are good but you have to admit they're really rather overpriced. Operationally the King offers nothing that a £25 FSA headset offers from my experience. I have run a CK in the past (part of an insurance claim) and it was fine but I'd never buy one with my own hard earned!
  10. That is a bit on the 'special' side!
  11. Sorry, I'm just kidding. I'd pick up a CS screw just for the aesthetics but there's no problem with running a normal socket head.
  12. I don't know how you sleep at night, I really don't. Edit:
  13. Oh the Irony! Andy, can you not see that this is precisely what you do? Act an idiot? check. Make random, crap posts which add nothing to the discussion and make you look like a tool? Check. Act incredibly immature and coming across like a retard? Check. That's three for three. I suggest you stop this.
  14. Why do you spend more time acting like a retarded, spoilt shit of of a ten year old than a 20 year old student? Answer that one for me ehh?
  15. Really? You'd think he'd at least have a Paypal payment system set up or something. Sounds dodgy as fook!
  16. Even Dan Ko, who seemed not to give two shits what his service was like, made sure that he had all his own photos of products and ran the official things like the site 'properly'. Just saying...
  17. BB= Bottom bracket. That's the bit that threads into the frame with bearings and an axle onto which the cranks etc. bolt onto. To be honest, I would choose the one you prefer the colours of. The tyre difference is basically a non-issue and I'd actually prefer having the 2.3" K-Rads front and rear rather than having a 1.85" on the front. I personally prefer the black and orange of the 2012 but that may not be the same for you! If you can stretch to the Inspired then it's definitely a better bike and as a note it appears that Thomas Ohler acts as a distributor for Inspired Bicycles in Austria through Smooth.at.
  18. Yup. One example, taken from the 26" frame section; every picture stolen from Tarty. http://shop.biketrials.ro/produse/cadre26/293 As Luke said, that's not the point. In a commercial environment (especially in a small community like trials) it's just lazy and unprofessional. It's also only a step away from (and probably actually worse than) copying descriptions and specs.
  19. Ah, fair enough. In which case it shouldn't hurt but if your brake is noisy it's because there's fluid on the rotor or pads and although the IPA will remove surface traces it might not help long term. Take your pads off and boil them in water before sticking them in a hot oven for a few minutes to try and get rid of any traces of fluid contamination. Give the rotor a good clean with IPA or brake disc cleaner and then re-bed the disc back in and see how you get on.
  20. Ah, sorry, you're absolutely right! Good ol' Johnny Herbert making the FIA support British concerns for once!! You have to giggle at Massa- it's not like he wasn't aware of the dangers of those orange kerbs!
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