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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. It's a good look, I'm not going to deny it.
  2. You need to get the disc mounts faced. Tools are unfortunately quite expensive (Hope ~£50, Park ~£150) so you might need to track down someone local with one or pay to have it done. Tool looks something like this: I've got a Park one in the garage which is used once in a blue moon but it's a very useful bit of kit to have when you actually need it! Edit: Actually that one above is more complex than any I've seen before as it has a little gearbox and two cutters so both holes are faced at the same time. Can't have been cheap!
  3. Same... it reminds me of the old Onza T-Mag's which I think it's safe to say is not a good thing...
  4. Did you get it done on the cheap somewhere? If done properly (properly prepared, sandblasted, baked on etc) it should be a very good, durable finish.
  5. I honestly thought he would be seriously outshone by Lewis when he joined McLaren... he's actually driven better than ever! His World Champion year was partially lucky/down to the car but he's really done well this year.
  6. Yeah, cos that'll make an interesting watch for us... Maybe everyone else should just take a year off so Vettel can be assured pole, fastest lap, race win etc. every time. I'd watch that for sure.
  7. I don't think it's possible to helicoil it purely because the thread size is so strange (specific to bikes). You can get types of BB's that don't rely on the frame being tapped but not 100% sure of who makes them or what's available.
  8. Cool. I've found a couple of fairly good install guides now so will give it a go tomorrow. What about bar angle? Personal preference?
  9. Hypothetically speaking, if I were to have a road bike (hypothetically), which needed the bar wrap stuff applied to drop bars... would anyone have any good guides as to how you do it if you've never done it before. Also, again hypothetically of course, what angle should drop bars be at relative to the the ground or whatnot?
  10. I still don't think it's 20 degrees though... Using Office Picture Manager (oh yeah, proper pro shit goin' on here y'all) I make it more like 25 give or take. Comes out well over 20.
  11. Aston Martin One-77. Only £1.2 million I think.
  12. I may be being retarded here but how come? The 'bore' looks pretty symmetric in that pic.
  13. That really does look like a turd to me! Each to their own...
  14. Taffy is a true legend... and also has way too much money!
  15. And And maybe one of these for shits and giggles.
  16. monkeyseemonkeydo


    Peer backslapping theory? Proven. (Jokes, jokes )
  17. I'm just asking because the deltas up to 120 are 20 and then you jump to 60, 60, 80 which seemed a bit odd.
  18. Is that table in the first post definitely correct for what you need?
  19. It doesn't work though, well, not as a quadratic anyway...
  20. Possibly but there's no guarantee it'll be compatible plus the Trialtech Sport axle costs £20 so we're back to just buying a new (or second hand) hub.
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