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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. In theory yes but check what you're buying as the title says M5 x 0.8 and the description states M5 x 1.0...
  2. If I had a few more 20" bits kicking about I'd be sorely tempted to buy one to build up as a brakeless bike for a laugh... I can imagine old school geo and long chainstays might actually be quite useful for that, plus being steel and a bit more resilient to boot.
  3. His riding and that video bored me immensely...
  4. Used to have a black one and then a baby sick yellow one. Rode quite well actually as memory serves me correctly. You just need to be careful with the bashguard rubbers (or just run a bashring set up). Edit: Bit of history for you- the forks in that picture are the very first pair of Echo 20" forks ever to land in the UK, back when Kurt Brain started riding for X-Street and Echo. Got them to run on the EM2 (again, the first Echo 20"'s ever in the UK, firstly a preproduction one followed by a red production version) I rode for X-Street and were then used on a few bikes afterwards. They were rushed over from China and weren't even lacquered!
  5. There need to be more subliminal messages in trials vids . Edit: Awesome vid, really love your style Mark and Ali+Hex = pure win. So how long before the full 'Blackpool Ain't Ready' DVD?!
  6. You just get redirected to paypal.com/uk anyway.
  7. Looks legit to me. It shows that you're logged in at the top, are you sure it wasn't already logged in on someone else's account or something? Saying that, card details usually give you the last 4 digits, rather than XX 34 or whatever.
  8. Fairly sure you're talking about Neil Lemon but it's the Isle of Wight not the Isle of Man. My link
  9. Just to go against the grain here, I can see exactly where Chris is coming from. A crown race is designed to sit on the crown of the fork, where the load is taken by the two flat surfaces. From what's being described the crown race is unable to seat properly so any load is being passed through a circular point load (does that make sense?) rather than through a surface. Doesn't sound ideal to me, although I'm well aware of how awesome and strong the forks are.
  10. Am with Rich who's with Ali. Gilles, Benito, Kenny et al. have all done bigger and more difficult hooks.
  11. Not really an RIP thread 'cos the dude was a complete f**king nutter but not sure quite what it means for the future. In other news he was brilliant in Team America. You are worthress, Arec Barrwin!
  12. Doctor of engineering rather than medical though The tough call was the being a Dr and then getting married... the other half was Ms Power so I could've become Dr Power... kinda sounds like an evil mastermind though and although good for the novelty factor I fear it may have worn off so I'm just Dr Marshall.
  13. Depends whether you're running a booster etc. I'd guess 20mm are more like it for standard 4 bolt mounts with no spacers or booster.
  14. Definitely a 10. Finished my EngD and became a doctor, Got married, Got promoted and got a pay rise, Landed a new very useful customer at work, Awesome Summer holiday in the Alps, Got a couple of new bikes. All good.
  15. You want to try and sell it to them as more than just a trials park- play on the whole 'giving young people something constructive and active to do' angle. Put across how trials (and riding in general) is as much about the social side of things as the riding itself so a park would give lots of people a central area to congregate and share a passion. Probably also playing on the Danny Mac thing a bit, considering your location. Trials is certainly going through a bit of a 'boom' and Danny's certainly not hurting that.
  16. monkeyseemonkeydo


    But it is going to make pretty much everyone on here hate you, without ever even meeting you. I do wonder if that's part of the fun for you though- are you sitting there giggling like a little school girl at your successful trolling? If I didn't know better I'd guess that you don't even ride a bike but the fact you do just makes this whole thing completely stupid and I don't see what you're getting out of it or why it would seem like a good idea to you...
  17. monkeyseemonkeydo


    Speak for yourself. Oh, wait...
  18. monkeyseemonkeydo


    Because of the way you come across on here I don't give a shit what you're like in real life. If you're a super nice guy in real life, why act like a complete dick here, badmouthing everyone and acting the e-hardman? Regardless of judging books by their covers, first impressions count. With trials-forum, first impressions happen online and you do yourselves no favours whatsoever by coming across with such a childish yet aggressive manner time and time again. There's only one person embarrassing themselves here, Andy...
  19. monkeyseemonkeydo


    Can you not see that you're completely out of line. Threatening people on a forum is just pathetic. Danny Kearns used to be a twat like you but he kinda grew out of it. You're 20 and sound like a f**king hormonal, angry 13 year old tosser all the time. It gets really old really quickly.
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