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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. You're doing it wrong! My Inspired has a 180mm Hope Tech Trial on the back and has tons of bite and hold and the rear end has yet to fall off the frame.
  2. It'd be a start if they actually made them in 90x25*!! Tried the 10 degree one but it lowered the bars too much compared to the TT so I gave up with it.
  3. I have a black 90 x 10 (31.8mm clamp) sitting in the garage if you fancy...
  4. The realms between joking and serious appear to be blurring!
  5. Black 'Burns and a black (and green *drool*) Hope mono?
  6. Did anyone see the India special? Usually I really like the specials- it tends to be what appears a real challenge and ones like the Andes and Thailand ones had a good mix of sillyness with a bit of proper adventure. The India one just annoyed me though for being stupid from start to finish with no real point in the cars being involved at all.
  7. I've got to say that the CLS vid is probably not a very good representation of his skillz. I got seriously bored watching that (don't get me wrong- his riding is really impressive) but there just seemed to be a few whoppers mixed in with a bunch of sidehopping over very similar rails and lots of moves I imagine Craig could do in his sleep on his dual sus XC bike.
  8. Sorry for the slow reply. He's mintsauce on here .
  9. I may have it back in Scotland but have no way of getting to them. May be worth sending Matt Barlow a PM as I seem to recall him having a stash...
  10. I'm not sure they could find anyone more annoying if they tried...
  11. Was that a 4140/4130 one? Someone recently posted that you're looking at about $130 for a cheepo mild steel one or $250 for a full cromo one I think (plus shipping from Peru). If you can afford a Hex go for it. I'm still not quite convinced by the Marino's in terms of strength and quality but as a bang for buck you can't really complain I guess!
  12. You'd need to drill the frame with holes approximately the OD of the o-rings used. To get the hose/cable through the frame you'll need to remove any fittings from the end meaning you'll be able to slide the o-rings over the hose/cable and locate them in the right place within the tubes and if necessary you could have grommets at either end of the o-ring 'chain' to seal the tube where the hose/cable enters and exits. Just a thought really since expanding foam could well give you some major headaches if you ever want to change the hose/cable outer as it will effectively bond itself inside the frame unless you treat the external surface of the hose/cable first with oil or something to stop it sticking...
  13. Apparently you're disabled in the eyes
  14. Or distribute some well sized o-rings along the length of the internally located tubing to reduce any noise? Combined with some reasonably tight grommets at the drilled holes that should do the job.
  15. Maybe he should just get a Marino. Joking aside, I don't think weight saving has anything to do with it. As with Chris who attacked his brand new Skye, the only issue is the voiding of warranty however, if you're ok with this (and to be fair Inspired's are built frickin' strong so I very much doubt there'd ever be an issue) I'd go for it!
  16. Inspired forks are straight blade... That bike does look really nice though (minus the forks). There's something about a simple black and white colour scheme that just works.
  17. I think you're mad for not going for the Orange Ash... Though it wouldn't surprise me if the Orange was sold within hours of being posted up anyway.
  18. I did a season of Hampshire comps on a Fourplay, just changed the rear wheel for one with a ground rim, changed the tyres and went for it. Obviously it wasn't ideal but was still very enjoyable and reasonably competitive!
  19. That's dangerous... If she really means a lot to you best get things sorted otherwise it'd be all too easy to lose her. I should know as I met my now wife in halls when she was already with another guy from her hometown. It didn't end well for him. Edit: that last sentence sounds rather dark... I didn't kill him or anything .
  20. You're training to be a doctor, right? I can only assume you haven't done the 'bedside manner' module yet? I really feel sorry for your future patients...
  21. Looks very pro! Good work! Just a shame there's no snow...
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