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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Nah it is a bit faster, and usually higher and more impressive too which counts against biketrials...
  2. Indoor moto trials comps make quite good viewing if done as kind of 'contracted highlights' and I'd guess biketrials could be watchable if done similarly. That or do something along the lines of Total Wipeout on bikes. But then who'd ride in that?
  3. It's actually a real thing... wow. Looks a lot like normal snooker but played in front of a bunch of annoying drunk loudmouths in a pub.
  4. Incredible how far things have come on from then! Good find!
  5. Any of the Ice Toolz ones on Tarty would do the job fine. Park Tools are obviously good too.
  6. If I were you I'd look at running a 20T ring if possible and removing one of those spacers, just for peace of mind. Failing that is there enough meat to have the chainring bosses milled down a couple of mm to move the ring further from the frame? P.S. If you get the BB faced don't be surprised when the chainring fouls when it didn't before!!
  7. I still don't buy it (pardon the pun). If they're good enough they'll get signed up and do just fine for themselves. If I buy one of their albums (highly, highly unlikely but go with it) they might get what, a few pence from the sale? That's not going to make them rich quick. If they're of the opinion that they're so damn good they shouldn't have to be working a real job for a living and should be multi-millionaires by now I'd say maybe they're simply not as good as they think or maybe they're in it for the wrong reasons.
  8. Current ones are definitely 135mm.
  9. Well I'm not a believer of being 'bog boned'! . Not fat, you just have a little superfluous 'padding'...
  10. As a definite non-expert from the looks of it you need to mix in some more calorie/fat burning activities with the muscle building weight training. As it stands you may well be building and toning but you won't be able to see it because of the overlying BF. I may be wrong though as I have a very odd metabolism/build relative to the (lack of) effort I have to put in .
  11. Same here. Last thing I broke (ignoring inner tubes) would've been... A 74 Kingz tensioner about 3 years ago and that was caused by my troos getting caught in my freewheel resulting in a snapped spring rather than any kind of abuse. Before that maybe a BB 4 or 5 years ago.
  12. As a very rough guess I'd go for something like £250-£300. reckon you'd probably get more if you split but that's obviously hassle...
  13. Sounds pretty gay but then you have just bought a Fiat 500.
  14. Uh huh. However, if it wasn't so frickin' easy to download illegal shit I wouldn't do it. Because it's easy I have no qualms about doing it on a small scale. In my mind it's very nearly a victimless crime. I guess it's really hard to feel sorry for SyCo, Sony, Universal Pictures etc. when they're not exactly struggling to make ends meet. I know there's the whole 'small/developing' artist shiz but I'm too far removed and have too little interest in that side of things to give two hoots.
  15. It wouldn't surprise me if the stamp is basically unrelated to the brand of fork.
  16. In what way was that offensive to either your dyslexia or you? It was a serious question, made blatantly evident by the smiley.
  17. Splined as in Middleburn or Shimano HG/UG/whatever?
  18. Well, the brakes are off the Fourplay... just need to try riding it somewhere with a very low population for a while!
  19. I'm failing to see what implantable sponge designed to prevent postsurgical adhesion formation has to do with stopping forks from snapping but mmkay.
  20. Standard mod ratio's of old were 18:12 with 158mm cranks. How does your setup compare to that?
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