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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Are there any pro roadies who don't take drugs? My link
  2. I used to go for a bounce... My mum knew what I meant but could be confusing for those out of the loop!
  3. How so? It's not even like football's a difficult thing to do. I imagine if any coordinated kid stuck at it rather than getting an education and getting a proper job they could become a successful professional football player. It only requires practice, fitness and a bit of luck to be 'spotted'. Lets face it, it's not even like there are only a few positions available to play the game (again thinking F1 where you need to be one of the 22/24 best drivers in the world to stand a chance) as there must be literally thousands of overpaid players out there thinking they're god. I honestly can't see why the clubs should pay out anywhere near the obscene amounts they do when a popular and successful pro player will make nearly as much purely through sponsorship. I simply don't get it!
  4. But all the clubs are massively in debt. They get paid far too much for the club's income to support and that must tell you something! I wouldn't mind if they ever did something good with their money (talking charities etc.) but all they seem to do is support their awfully shallow WAGS and waste money on shiny things.
  5. 'Cos football's shite. Actually, that's unfair. The game itself doesn't have to be shite but the supporters who seem to somehow feel they are part of the team annoy me. 'We did really well at the weekend', 'we really need to be playing better'. f**k off do you- you're sitting eating pizza and drinking beer shouting at the TV! I just don't get it. And don't get me started on the pathetic rivalry's that go on. Take F1. Say I like to see Button win. I support Jenson and McLaren. I don't consider myself part of the team, don't feel the need to go out and find someone with a Vettel or Red Bull shirt on and glass him. P.S. The players are crybabies who fall over like they've been shot and are paid far too much money for kicking an inflated pigs bladder about. It's not even like the teams have any money in the first place to pay them the money. Un-frickin-believable.
  6. I like that song though . MOAR VIDEOS WITH SAIL I SAY!!
  7. Only if it's the one with the MS OS. The Nokia Symbian OS is absolute shite.
  8. It's not the size of the moves that is shocking, it's the filming and editing. Lets face it, Monty are probably the biggest trials manufacturer in the world and Abel is one of the best (comp) riders in the world but that video looks similar to what any one of us could throw out with 'shaky mate' holding the camera while you ride. Danny Mac is about the only rider who's videos come anywhere close to the quality that BMX vids provide, and that's mainly because he has a pro bmxer as his videographer. That's a little unfair as I'd add that people like Mark W are definitely changing things for the better on the filming front.
  9. In theory tilting them forwards will make the bike feel better when on the rear wheel (i.e. backhopping and static moves) and tilting the bars back will be better for lifting the front wheel for bunnyhops and rolling moves.
  10. In which case the threads shouldn't be an issue but it will make your life easier if you do stick bolts and a spare BB in the frame first. Oxidation will occur but it takes time. You could spray the frame with a satin finish lacquer if you want to maintain the colour and dull colour afterwards.
  11. Are we talking about shot blasting or sand blasting in this thread?...
  12. I'd love to have one as a desk ornament!!
  13. They really are impressive bits of kit!
  14. Did anyone ever make that wall hook/up at about 9:20 in the first part that Martyn tries? I've always wanted to see a vid of Mart (or someone) actually making it...
  15. So it works fine but it's a bit quiet on your commuter? Sounds good to me!!
  16. Smooth means control and that requires having the basics dialled. In mototrials a lot of it is about throttle and clutch control. Anyone can whack the throttle open and ride at obstacles (and often get up and over them) but to do it completely in control, and carry out the manoeuvre smoothly takes something else. I guess it comes down to learning to walk before you can run (as with biketrials to be fair).
  17. Dan Smith got his dad to do it to his cranks and I don't think ever had a problem. Do it right, smooth the edges and keep an eye on them but you'd probably be fine. Probably.
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