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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. That's a lovely shade of pink you've got going on there Scott!
  2. Because SPD's aren't oldschool. Not in my head anyway.
  3. That sounds a bit crap! Was it worked out as mass carried/bridge mass to give a measure of efficiency? If it was just bridge mass then that's lame!
  4. Sounds like you're doing something wrong then! Learn some mechanical sympathy you must.[/Yoda voice]
  5. Nope. Well, the majority of bikes don't. I assume anything with ABS must have some kind of modulator but I don't know of any (maybe some goldwing type thing that weighs more than my car) that have any power assistance.
  6. Yup, more bite and hold but potentially a little less modulation but usually not so much that with a bit of practice you can't overcome. Cooling shouldn't be an issue on a trials brake really.
  7. No way that can be true for the 'big' names surely.
  8. Kenny was treated like shit effectively forcing him to leave wasn't he?
  9. OMG I know! It's almost like they want to build a really high quality team. Oh, wait...
  10. It's just a process. If you know the process and follow the appropriate rules you can just work through it step by step to get to the answer.
  11. Get funky with a midget in a field? Not sure that's the best advice but ok...
  12. Nah, that's a different ride.
  13. To be fair, even from those pics you can see it's pretty haggard so no real surprise it's suffered.
  14. I want to know if he has to repay all the winnings, sponsorship and stuff that he's gained through cheating his way to the Tour win in 2010. Cancellara is another fanny I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw him.
  15. To respond to the OP, you can 'respond' to negative feedback explaining the case away. Most of the times I see that the seller sounds like they have a pretty good case and I ignore the negative. To get feedback removed completed I think both parties have to agree to it being removed.
  16. Are there any pro roadies who don't take drugs? My link
  17. I used to go for a bounce... My mum knew what I meant but could be confusing for those out of the loop!
  18. How so? It's not even like football's a difficult thing to do. I imagine if any coordinated kid stuck at it rather than getting an education and getting a proper job they could become a successful professional football player. It only requires practice, fitness and a bit of luck to be 'spotted'. Lets face it, it's not even like there are only a few positions available to play the game (again thinking F1 where you need to be one of the 22/24 best drivers in the world to stand a chance) as there must be literally thousands of overpaid players out there thinking they're god. I honestly can't see why the clubs should pay out anywhere near the obscene amounts they do when a popular and successful pro player will make nearly as much purely through sponsorship. I simply don't get it!
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