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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. *Insert inappropriate joke* Congratulations dude!
  2. Compelling viewing, I kept expecting it to break into a 'that's why we need to pray' video but maybe that's just the sceptic/stereotyping part of me on hearing an American voice! Certainly interesting way to look at things (not just on this subject) and will be keeping an eye on it but as Jolfa says, where's that money going? Are they a registered charity? Why no printable poster?
  3. So you agree that it was a boring video which doesn't do him, his riding or trials (of any description) justice?
  4. Yes but in the real world, who gives a monkeys? No member of the public will have a clue who Giaco is, what biketrials is or who's world champion. Ask them about the guy riding over spiked railings or front flipping off of Edinburger Castle and there's a reasonable chance they'll know what your'e talking about. So yeah, outside of our very anal, rather odd little hobby, Giaco who?
  5. I think you'll find that, by the definition, carbon fibre is fibres of carbon. Likewise, carbon fibre woven cloth is pretty standard across the board, the difference comes in the process used to lay it up and the skill and knowledge of the people doing the work. Which is what I said. So where was I being silly?
  6. I can 100% guarantee that more of the public would be able to name or recognise Danny before Giacomo. I'd probably struggle to identify Giacomo in a line up (unless he was wearing his oh so cool tights and short shorts combo!).
  7. I found a few of the shots a bit close if that makes sense. You didn't get a feel for the space or the way the property 'flows'. Maybe a wider angle lens giving slightly more of an overview might help? Only a minor point though, overall it does what it needs to.
  8. Or you could try not to be such an argumentative twat all the time.
  9. Strictly speaking, is Ozzy right here? As far as I'm aware the accepted use of 'calorie' is actually the truncation of 'kcal' meaning that one 'calorie' actually is one thousand calories. If you get me... Edit: Actually, that would mean you're both wrong and a pound of fat would be 3,500,000 calories. Meh.
  10. Afraid Ghostrider's right, Matt. It's the disc lever that doesn't have the knob.
  11. Exactly. If you look for videos of someone like Toni Bou, the most watched are often the ones of him pissing about challenging himself doing stuff on the back wheel. People aren't that interested in him attacking the same rock in the same way again and again or in fact really efficiently getting though a section- he knows that people are impressed and respect the awkward moves which are clearly challenging him.
  12. Carbon fibre is carbon fibre but there is scope for a massive variation in strength and performance when it is laid up and made into a component. Singlespeed spacers will just have been made from a length of relatively simple and cheap CFRP tube but to make something like a set of bars or a frame where strength is required the layup process, fibre orientation, number of plies etc. all makes a massive difference to how the final product will behave. Seems like Santa Cruz know what they're doing but I'm still not convinced that CFRP is necessarily the best option for trials frames which often get scratched and beaten to shit.
  13. What makes me more angry is the lack of the orange circle for the 'o' in 'attention'. If you're gonna go with a theme at least do it right! The fact he had Belvita bicuits makes me think she may not be his type...
  14. I used a grinder followed by a dremel and a file. Worked quite well actually.
  15. That static hook thing at 2:22 is f**king huge. Impressive riding but as said, very boring to watch and his shouting just makes me want to travel to France to track him down and slap him everytime he does it. Something along the lines of being Tango'd I think would do it... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6yCgtehwUE ^ for those of you who are too young to have a clue what I'm on about.
  16. Jebus, they really are taking it to another level aren't they?!
  17. If I were you I'd go back to basics and mock up a couple of components to check the theory and then go back to the more complex assembly. I'd hazard a guess that problems with mates (such as the concentricity (is that a word?) of the axes) could be causing the problem.
  18. If you manually manipulate the jaw does the system work as it should? You'll need plenty more mates in place I think if it is only the screw mate you've used...
  19. I was only assuming it was the indicators but it was more like the side lights or auxiliary lights and it's randomly flickering (as in left to right out of sync rather than hazards flashing periodically and together).
  20. What's with the flickery indicators over the past couple of weeks? Is it like a safety feature like hazards automatically coming on when you slam on the brakes?
  21. And that's a bad thing, right?... I want to dig him up just to punch him in the face every time I see that picture.
  22. Think Euan was riding chainless for those clips.
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