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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Mercedes rear wing f-duct system looks quite interesting... would be interesting to know what it's actually feeding.
  2. That's the sort of video that really makes me wish I could ride BMX well... thanks for sharing .
  3. I cannot condone making your own...
  4. Did anyone else see 10 O'Clock Live last night? As I suspected he is indeed a retarded evangelical Christian twat®. That Fourth Estate shit looks seriously worrying, almost like they're at the head of a Scientology rebranding exercise...
  5. I would say I can't wait but I'd be lying. I can. I really can.
  6. Would most likely be too small (diameter comparable to the axle diameter of an ISIS BB).
  7. Regarding the lockring tool, would it possible to use a BB spline? I'd have thought that would be a better bet than the pin tools. May I also suggest a bit of a restyle for the tensile cranks? Existing ones have never exactly been aesthetically pleasing!
  8. What a lot of your posts make me think of...
  9. That will only be a primarily aesthetic repair though surely. The carbon dust will not be a good replacement for the severed fibres and associated reduction in strength.
  10. Standard atmospheric pressure is about 14.7 psi and according to Wikipedia a 'low vacuum' is considered between 14.5-0.44 psi so quite a range! A perfect vacuum is of course 0 psi. Don't think 150 psi can be considered a vacuum...
  11. Uh huh. What's a vacuum again? To put that figure into perspective 150psi will induce a pressure of over 105 tons per square metre.
  12. The resin doesn't get squeezed out at all though! It has nowhere to squeeze to as it's in a sealed vac bag. If anything, the compression squeezes the resin into the fibres to increase the strength and ensure consistent properties throughout.
  13. There seems to be some confusion over what an autoclave does (high temperature and pressure).For most cases the part will be put in a vac bag first which involves removing all the air from around the component. Depending on the type of material and lay up procedure this can then either be cured at low temperature in the absence of high pressure or put in an autoclave where high pressure and temperature is used to aid the curing process and produce a stronger part. Internal bladders are used for hollow sections to stop the component from collapsing in the vac bag or from the autoclave pressure.
  14. Can't be arsed arguing but your logic seems flawed.
  15. The pressurisation isn't done to squeeze out the resin... I would also imagine that most carbon frames are made with the aid of bladders and autoclaves so they do involve temperature and pressure during the curing process.
  16. Come on now, don't be silly. It could've been a picture of a dog.
  17. They could give them the pencil and just get them to write on the cardboard box surely?
  18. I agree with Matt. As a former world champion I was expecting some crazy big riding from Marco but I was most underwhelmed by it. Considering snow's actually surprisingly grippy everything looked kinda small and even slightly laboured.
  19. They weren't all forced to kill their parents .
  20. But they're American. I'm amazed they know there's a continent called Africa, let alone the definitions of (in)famous...
  21. I dunno, the fact they've apparently talked the us into sending 100 army bodies over and got the support of some big names makes me think it's more than just a clever campaign.
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