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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. The word you're looking for is 'f**ked' . For whatever the reason the bearings have found their way out so that the axle hasn't been supported centrally in the hub. That distorted, elongated hole should be circular but the axle has been able to move around and eat into the hub. SO yeah, basically it's dead as a very dead thing.
  2. I only use Tesco's finest these days.
  3. "Audi has debuted an e-bike, complete with a smartphone-controlled immobilizer "bike lock" and a Segway-inspired "wheelie mode"." So,yes, automatic wheelies!
  4. And you know that for sure?
  5. They're not that bad for normal thread sizes bike bike specific type stuff is just plain weird and so there's little demand which results in expensiveness.
  6. I guess in general engineering there's not much call for weird 9/16" helicoils in both left and right hand threads!
  7. I get the feeling that if it was Alonso who stopped to allow enough fuel to test the outcome would've been somewhat different...
  8. His gazzillion day ban says no.
  9. Haha, not quite. I had middleburns with an uno 32T ring on the front, 5 working gears at the back and the worlds longest seatpost! lack of pannier mounts meant I had a tent strapped to a small seatpost mounted rack and a 55 litre rucksack
  10. Used to ride 7 miles to Peterhead to ride then 7 miles back. That was back in the day when I rode a 16" GT Backwoods. I don't think you can count the bodged Orange Zero that I did John O' Groats to Lands End on... although I did have a bit of a bounce at Lands End so I guess you could say I kinda rode down to ride the rocks. So yeah ~897 miles to go for a play? Beat that!
  11. It's not overpriced as you basically get what you pay for, with a premium being paid for the bonus extras on the frame and forks. It depends what you want really, with the Skye you get a lot of high end kit and some very neat design features which the 'cheaper' bikes don't get but unless you're really going to push it you get get by just as well with a Team which is almost as well specced without the bells and whistles.
  12. T-cut, toothpaste or metal polish- all mild abrasives. Supposedly the best plan is to clean from the centre outwards rather than round...
  13. I'm struggling with the new update on my sony tablet running Android dolphin HD browser. Can't find any way to change the layout from full to mobile or whatever, can't minimize the panels on the right on the home screen and it keeps jumping in scale when loading... all a bit odd!
  14. You never know, he may be running tubeless...
  15. Is that his rear tyre exploding at the end?
  16. Yeah, if they pay as a normal payment not directly through ebay), they can insert the item number and make it all above board and you can then mark it as 'payment received' once they've settled up.
  17. The bolts screw into the frame and are what the external surface of the cams push against to stop them from slipping forwards. The bolts are critical to the function of the cams. When Ads is pushing on the cams and you hear the click, that's the next notch on the cam locating on the bolt in the frame. Edit: What they look like when run on the outside of the frame (note depending on your setup you may need to run them inside the frame):
  18. Pretty ugly too to be fair...
  19. Looks like an original 16" Cannondale Beast of the East...
  20. I think when riding in the wet the bike and tyres are probably far more capable than you think but the important thing to remember is to relax and not stiffen up. Far more chance of things going wrong if you're stiff and forcing the bike rather than riding like you normally would, albeit a touch slower. Also avoid white lines where possible...
  21. Have you considered a career in the Citizen's Advice Bureaux? With insight like that you could go far .
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