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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. I'm not saying all the Northern riders cause problems but it seems like whenever there's a big ol' debate about TGS vs. street or whatever the aggressive trouble makers who tend to get warnings/banned seem to me to be from oop north. Juuust sayin'.
  2. Yeah, fair enough. It does seem somewhat unfortunate that the majority of the twats on here do tend to be primarily from the (dare I say it?) Northern TGS mob...
  3. That looks like it's just a standard car with a bin welded on the back with an engine that you can't possibly use practically on the roads (just imagine sitting behind it at some lights on your motorbike...). Wonder what the insurance is like... Any modifications? Well, y'see...
  4. You say that but I can see where he's coming from... those of us who have migrated to a more chilled, flowy, '24' style of riding tend to be the slightly older generation who have done the sidehop thing and got bored and as such are also in general of the generation who have stuck with trials, grown up with it and can see things from a different perspective than those who are younger and relatively new to the sport. Agree it's a generalisation but not necessarily completely unfounded.
  5. Exactly. Your attitude sucks which gets you into those situations. And again, no he wasn't- it was a serious point and one that I can see exactly where Dan is coming from with. I completely agree with the whole younger generation (not all but the apparent majority) having little or no respect for anyone or anything. From what I can tell it seems to be spawned from an element of society who have no concept of how to bring up their kids, which is compounded by teachers not being allowed to discipline the little shits or have the time to instil any values in them which should've been part of their upbringing but never happened. As an example, we have a small area of Northshore with a pump track in the local woods. Now I would like to think that any kid who enjoys biking and wants to get into that sort of thing properly would be fairly nice and well brought up (they've chosen to do something rather than stand on a street corner being dicks to the public) but the number of times I've gone up there and the place is covered in litter is unreal. Simple things like that which show they have no respect for the effort people have gone to to get something like that area and no respect for their surroundings. Then you see someone driving along and chucking a fag end out their car window or some litter or whatever with kids in the back and you understand immediately where it comes from. That seems to have followed on to trials- where it used to be a really small, probably expensive and odd 'sport' for someone to get into, it's now far more accessible and mainstream which means a certain element of society is now also being involved. Maybe I'm talking drivel and am just suffering from GOMS (grumpy old man syndrome) but it seems clear that society as a whole has some major issues, primarily borne out of shite parenting and a general lack of respect passed down the generations. What the older members on here see is only the tip of the iceberg unfortunately...
  6. I can't help feeling that it would be a nice friendly place where people get along if it wasn't for the select hardcore of aggressive, argumentative twats on here who seem to purely come on to be dicks.
  7. monkeyseemonkeydo


    Lots of reasons but I'd guess that mainly because we're an island and if they weren't here when Britain split off from the mainland (Pangea or whatever) then they weren't about to swim to join us. Combine that with ice ages and the wrong climate and anything that was here died off a long time ago either due to climate reasons or hunting.
  8. monkeyseemonkeydo


    Both right to a point.
  9. monkeyseemonkeydo


    The theory is that you stand your ground and talk in a level but commanding voice to show it you're not scared. Best bet however is not to come into contact in the first place, hence bear bells and making noise as you go when walking in Canada etc.
  10. monkeyseemonkeydo


    There was some dude in Scotland who wanted to reintroduce wolves to the wild but bears certainly won't happen.
  11. monkeyseemonkeydo


    Not in the wild if that's what you mean...
  12. The pitch is the same for both so you just need to go for the larger size (1/8"). I've happily run 1/8" chains on 3/32" setups but you obviously can't go the other way without running into problems.
  13. Ah, fair enough. My first guess was 0.5mm but I thought that seemed too small so no one would believe me!!
  14. I would guess that snail cams only move the axle by 0.75-1mm per notch. Continual adjustment by bolts is always better in my opinion.
  15. I used to ride my Inspired on red route for the Hampshire series and didn't have any major problems. It's obviously not ideal but no reason you'll struggle.
  16. You don't sound depressed to me... Depression seems to be one of those annoying 'catch all' phrases doctors use these days. There are no badly behaved kids or lower ability/lazy kids, they're all either diagnosed with ADD or dyslexia or whatever. Similarly with 'depression' it seems to me like doctors diagnose 50% of their cases as that and send them away with a bunch of pills. In your case I'd be googling potential other causes for your tiredness- obviously not diabetes but potentially dietary problems (lack of X, Y or Z) or something else?
  17. Without meaning to be an arse and condescending (which I'm not that good at), how far for 3D design go? I have images in my head of being able to produce pretty looking 'things' on a computer but not necessarily being able to incorporate those into either animation for the likes of TV/film/adverts or able to produce mechanical components for engineering/real world applications. It just seems to me that the majority of people who went to uni and now don't have jobs did degrees that never really had job prospects in the first place (thinking psychology, art, lots of geography students etc.). Could be wrong of course and I know I probably see things from quite an odd perspective because everything's worked out surprisingly well for me (touch wood...)!
  18. Yup, started about 15 years ago and have had a trials bike and ridden it regularly ever since. Less regularly these days of course but do still get out on it.
  19. Drive side is left handed thread. It should go in straight and true otherwise you're cross threading it and will damage the frame. The driveside goes in first reasonably tight and then you put the non-driveside (right hand thread) in and nip it up to support the bearings.
  20. Out of interest, all of the people with degrees on JSA and friends who went to uni and are on JSA, what sort of courses did they study? I did well at school but took a year out to get a bit of money and worked delivering furniture before going to uni- did me the world of good, I grew up and matured a lot in that year and picked up a good bit of common sense that I was probably lacking beforehand! Then did an MEng in Aerospace Engineering at the Uni of Southampton before carrying on to do an EngD in rallycar aerodynamics. Funding for that finished in July 2009 (although I didn't actually submit and finish until Feb last year) but started full time as a research engineer in the wind tunnels at Southampton in mid September. Now manage the wind tunnel operations and staff, dealing with all the student users, researchers and commercial customers while developing the systems and overseeing all the aspects of the tunnels from finance to marketing.
  21. It keeps on going out doesn't it?...
  22. Wow wow wow... back up a minute there. They do what now?
  23. It's not an echo hub with a lockring is it? You never know... I've always used the vice then grab the tyre and twist method and it's never failed.
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