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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. I've never seen that in my life and very much doubt it happens without alcohol involved...
  2. He could have at least got a reasonably good looking underpowered Honda 650 and got an FMX...
  3. Helicoils only repair the thread in the frame, they don't effect braking at all.
  4. I'd say there is quite a lot to do with general development and motor skills/coordination of girls. They tend not to be pushed towards sports or even hobbies when young and so don't develop the skills which boys do by jumping around, playing sports and stuff. Whereas mountainbiking generally doesn't require any of that, trials does and takes longer to learn the basics than the majority of other hobbies, bar maybe skateboarding (but then how many girl skateboarders are there?). I'd say combine that with the fact that there are virtually no female riders already and it's less attractive to anyone who might want to try. With the intrinsic start up costs as well it's far easier to do something else. Like My Little Pony or giggle while painting nails.
  5. I'd say it's probably worth getting the motorcycle theory test book as it is reasonably different to the car one and has some slightly unusual and specific questions in it.
  6. Must've been the wrong type of wire then. If you used something like bike gear or brake cable you'd probably be laughing.
  7. Pretty much the latter. The trick is not to click too early I think. When I did it for my bike test I'd pick up on a woman pushing a pram down the pavement so clicked to show that I'd noticed it and was aware of the potential danger but there's a time window when it actually accepts the click which is when she turns to look for traffic as she thinks about crossing (or something like that). In theory only idiots fail but it probably is possible to fail for being too aware and conscientious for the dumb computer system to cope with!
  8. This is pretty much how it looks at the moment (well, at the moment it's in about 50 bits in the garage but you get my meaning!): The cause of the crack is a bit of an unknown. The first ER6n's (of which this is one) did have an issue with frames cracking at the engine mounts due to bad tolerancing at the factory, putting stresses into the frame when the engine was clamped up, but I added spacers to try and reduce/remove that issue. I have however thrown the bike down the road once, leading to a near writeoff so although the bike was professionally repaired and checked, it's not beyond comprehension that the frame may have been knocked or twisted just enough to result in a crack growing over the following years. Weirdly enough, the bike hasn't been wheelied or jumped hardly at all, thrashed in general sure but usually with both wheels on the deck!
  9. Then tighten them, dear boy. In other potential win solutions, attach a length of wire or rope to corner C and, by means of an over complicated series of weights and pulleys, counter balance the sag. If done right this could also probably be used to create a self-close feature. Extra win points for using titanium fixings.
  10. About English hooligans? Send them to Siberia and let the Russian Mafia have their way. On the whole President Salmond thing, f**k that. I really don't know why they'd want to go the whole way (seem to have the best of both at the moment) an II think it's far too much of a risk to go ahead. I also think that the decision shouldn't be just down to the Scots. Surely England, Wales and Northern Ireland ought to have a say as to whether the UK is split up, not just them/us.
  11. 2006 Kwak ER6n. It's currently in quite a lot of bits awaiting some new bits and pieces and the attention of a welder... Doing valve clearances, plugs and found a cracked coil while I was at it so it's getting a bit of TLC while apart.
  12. The thing is Scotland are there for a laugh, if they'd qualified the Scots may well have got a day off work and when they played it would be light hearted with lots of Tartan, ginger wigs and a friendly atmosphere. English football hooligans fans seem to always expect to win and take it as a personal insult if anyone dares speak ill of their squad/game/match or whatever. It's not about being bitter or England being better, it's about English fans being generally c@nts.
  13. How can professional footballers make such a hash of penalties? A goal mouth is the size of a small house FFS! Oh how I laughed...
  14. Failing that Windows DVD Maker?
  15. Cracked frame is cracked . Kawasaki won't do anything on warranty (as expected) and I'm waiting to hear back from Bournemouth Kwak to give me a quote on getting it TIG welded... expecting something around the £200 mark. I've got a friend who could do it but that would involve either getting the bike to him, taking the necessary bits off before reassembling or getting him to me with his kit... Hopefully will get something sorted soon, not that the weather's much good for riding!
  16. To be fair that's kind of like saying 'engines only overheat if they get too hot'... Other possible reasons would be leaking hoses, radiator etc. leading to coolant loss.
  17. If stopped by HMRC it could also be subject to 20% VAT and import duty (the rate for which I'm not sure about). Edit: Snaked.
  18. Really? The only expensive Tesco tubes I've come across are the 700c ones for some reason. I use the 24" and 26"s and they've always been around the £2 mark.
  19. Well according to his Facebook he's in the UK and doing demo's and stuff so should be able to make contact... He does seem to be very busy lots of the time so it seems you do have to bear with him sometimes.
  20. Fair do's, just looked a bit like the prison side of Portland. Ah yes, Wheal Kitty... that is something of a trek! Ah well!
  21. I use Tesco tubes (24", £1.97 at last check I think) and run 30-35psi and only occasionally pinch (2.4" Holy Rollers). What tyres you running? Options I can see are: slime tubes or slime to seal the tube once pinched (not sure how well that works with trials pinches as opposed to thorns etc.), running tyres with thicker sidewalls (Kenda blue grooves may be heavy but you can run them at about 10psi and still not pinch), running fatboy DH tubes or at a push running a second tube, slit around it's internal surface, wrapped over the new tube to try and increase protection (with a bit of talc thrown in for good measure). Riding more good would definitely help though .
  22. Tethering is when you use your phone's data network and WiFi capability to provide the interwebz to other devices like laptops, tablets etc. To stop people taking the piss with usage (and to make it clear on the rules) GiffGaff operate a no tethering policy on their mobile sims.I do it occasionally and haven't had any problems but am sensible when using the WiFi hotspot on my phone.
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