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monkeyseemonkeydo last won the day on January 14

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About monkeyseemonkeydo

  • Birthday 04/20/1982

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  • Real Name
    Dave Marshall
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Inspired Arcade framekit built up with Skye components On One 456 play bike Ribble R872, 105 Black Plus a slightly modified Kawasaki ER-6n.
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Interests
    Rock climbing, mountainboarding, motorbikes, motorsport, trials...
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  1. I just got a couple of Tartybikes rims for my son's MTB: https://www.tartybikes.co.uk/24_inch_rims/tartybikes_double_wall_24_inch/c43p14044.html?pos=223.42857360839844&search_params=YTo4OntzOjg6ImluX3N0b2NrIjtpOjA7czoxMjoiY2F0ZWdvcnlfaWRzIjthOjE6e2k6MDtzOjI6IjQzIjt9czoxNjoiY2F0ZWdvcnlfcmVjdXJzZSI7YjoxO3M6ODoia2V5d29yZHMiO3M6MDoiIjtzOjk6ImJyYW5kX2lkcyI7TjtzOjQ6Im1vZGUiO3M6MzoiYWxsIjtzOjQ6InNvcnQiO3M6OToicHJpY2VfYXNjIjtzOjEwOiJjb3VudHJ5X2lkIjtzOjE6IjEiO30%3D Seem like good value and a quality option.
  2. A fun video from oor boy Daniel.
  3. Just to add to Ross's comment you can still buy Irn Bru 1901 which sticks to the old 34g of sugar per can 'proper' stuff!
  4. It's not just damage to the drive splines causing problems is it? I've had it before where the internal clearance on the spacers is minimal and a little filing of any burrs on the drive shell has made all the difference to getting them to fit.
  5. I'm still not sure how anyone can defend Trump and not see him as a disgusting, vile human being who should never have been able to get into a position to be president, let alone voted in twice! There isn't a single redeeming feature about him and his actions, the way he talks about people, the compulsive lying, criminal behaviour etc. etc. just leave me speachless that anyone could support him. But that's me and something for the angry thread...
  6. What do they do?... 3D printing for the win for sure! I've been printing finger skis and finger snowboards for the boys this weekend
  7. Will be interesting to see how the literal printed circuit board will last over damp winters etc. I know they used high quality solder but even so the adhesion didn't look incredible and I wonder how it will end up in a couple of years. Amazing what they've achieved while being self-taught etc. but I can't help feeling that it's a complex prototyping system that once they have it dialled could/should be replaced by a 'proper' PCB made at PCBWay or similar.
  8. F****k... just seen the scan of Cam's ribs- he must've been ridiculously close to smashing his spine too pieces instead of his ribs. Lucky dude.
  9. Yeah Tom Van Steenberg- that flat drop front flip was mental. I know everyone's saying Brendog should've won but although his run was cool and quite different, with heartfelt links to Jordie Lunn, it didn't have anywhere near the danger and exposure of some of the others (I say from my sofa!). Given the other scores I also think Szymon probably deserved the win over Brendon but someone's always gotta be robbed in the Rampage! Shame Tom Isted didn't get a clean run- could've been sweet. I also though Bienve's crash looked nastier than Cam's yet he got up straight away and Cam came off far worse from the sounds of it.
  10. TVS was robbed (before the event's even over!)...
  11. His jump up on to the rock looks proper sketchy! There looks to very little in the way of a landing platform with no room to get it wrong without him having a proper bad day!
  12. I reckon Mr @Private Repress will be after those CODA cranks from you!!
  13. In a crazy way I feel it's only going to strengthen his support and makes it almost certain he'll get back in. With the Democrats f**king about with grandad, Trump shrugging off an assassination attempt is about the best thing that could've happened to his campaign. This is why you aim for centre mass, people. Centre. Mass.
  14. No, I think I started to reply to your comment relating to Trump the cunt but then reread your comment and reinterpreted it as who could stand for the Democrats instead of Biden!
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