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Jake Beach

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Everything posted by Jake Beach

  1. Natural because there is so many lines.
  2. I don't have a favorite band. I like bands like kasabian and coldplay at the moment.
  3. It depends on the spec on the meta or the echo. Go for the on with the best spec
  4. I like to watch the intermediate and experts at the hbt club comps.
  5. Most trials riders run a 19" rear wheel to accommodate a fatter rear tyre
  6. Nice video mate can you ride your bike with no bars and no seat?
  7. Looks good where can I get it from?
  8. Inspired because it is half the price, easy to spray and it is 2.058kg/4.538lbs where as the reset is 2.065kg/4.55lbs. The reset only comes with vee mounts and the inspired comes with HS33 that can be adapted to vee's if you wanted with these: http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?pr...p;category_id=5 http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?pr...p;category_id=5
  9. Sounds pretty nice. Where did you get it from?
  10. All you guys are right and everyone at school was wrong- we have not died
  11. Go for an avid SD7 or any vee brake lever you can find.
  12. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=5rvDLyrk4iY http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=GOxR7rTYuSI They are really random.
  13. Hi I know this is not trials associated but are we going to die tomorrow. 'We are going to die tomorrow' has been the phrase of the day at my school today. Apparently they are doing something in France at 9:30 with atomz(not the bikes) underground. But surely if there is a risk of us dying they won't do it? But is this true? : S Thanks Jake
  14. Well nice mate did you say you designed it yourself? Because if you did it is bloody amazing!
  15. Hi mate, personally I prefer the DOB and it comes with free forks! : ): )
  16. Hey mate I love you new vid you have just put on
  17. Nice vid mate how many bikes do you and your bro have?
  18. do some posts Dale!!!!!

  19. what year of one are you looking at? the 2008 one looks alright but the 2009 is called the blade
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