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Jake Beach

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Everything posted by Jake Beach

  1. Yes, best bleeding guide I've come across!
  2. Good video mate, love watching your funny bails.
  3. Not cycling specific, but I find these keep my hands warm and dont loose grip on my trialtech foams! http://www.gooutdoors.co.uk/stretchon-grip-p159255
  4. Like that! Would look epic with green wheels IMO.
  5. No buying and selling in NMC, reported White rimtape would look pretty cool though.
  6. Any of the ones on tarty that DO NOT have flat mounts at the rear will fit, not to sure about ground clearance on them though.
  7. Yes! Think 'shop savvy' is quite cool swell, scan barcodes, and it tells you what it is.
  8. You've already tried to sell once, so why try again? Reported anyway! EDIT: Damn! Beaten to it.
  9. No buying/selling in NMC, read the rules. EDIT: Reported
  10. Found all if them extremely funny, especially the 2nd and 3rd.
  11. Use puctuation and everything and maybe you will get validated soon.
  12. You dont get votes by asking, you earn them.
  13. Saw these on fb too, really like the idea and they look the part to IMO!
  14. Think they are on the back arnt they?
  15. Really enjoyed the video, but the song spoilt it imo
  16. Really like that, red, black and white go really well together
  17. May be wrong, but arnt they meant to replace the plastic washers?
  18. Near enough everybody will say echo SL
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