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Jake Beach

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Everything posted by Jake Beach

  1. I would go for both, a bash plate to protect your frame and a bash ring to stop your sprocket eating your trousers.
  2. That is very nice. Are those grips foam?
  3. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?pr...category_id=501 It's in the santart sale for the weekend only.
  4. That was a really good video, is there a second half??
  5. Oh yer just found it because it is so small.
  6. That is actually really nice.
  7. Found this ages ago on clean bikes. But it is a really good price.
  8. Presuming you want a 26" here are a few off tarty for under £200: http://tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?produc...;category_id=14 http://tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?produc...;category_id=14 http://tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?produc...;category_id=14 http://tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?produc...;category_id=14 http://tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?produc...;category_id=14 http://tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?produc...;category_id=14
  9. PM him? Can you post a comment on his profile, on the right hand side? If so ask his if he has got msn or something.
  10. How do you know it is a dob? It is all is Chinese or Japanese or what ever. The bash plate looks really weird.
  11. Nice pictures mate what bike is that?
  12. I have front and rear maggies(new ones) I still have the standard pads but might be getting some heatsink coust pads. Should be re-bleedind at christmas(not water.)
  13. To be honest I think it ruins the Union Jack flag.
  14. Nice video mate, what year t-pro is that?
  15. Here's a video Krispoats(mod) did: grinding a rim
  16. Don't know about my mum and dad but I got my brother a 2gb kingson memory stick from school for £3 brand new!!!!
  17. Have got one and always wear it at them. It is a black try-all nuc. I did not include it because he said he did not want a pisspot.
  18. From what I have found you are looking £900 for an 09 kamel 221 frame!! Link
  19. Amazing video there mate. I think it has been deleted, thats what my computer tells me.
  20. You could ask your local bike shop(if you have one) if they could get you one in. Depending on the shop it might be cheaper to by one on tarty or another online shop anyway.
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