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Jake Beach

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Everything posted by Jake Beach

  1. Wow, that was amazing, I like it when he was on the escalator going up.
  2. The forcast says rain, but it is always changing for Sunday at the moment.
  3. You can not sell it, you will have to wait until you are vailidated.
  4. NO BUYING AND SELLING IN NMC!!! Read the rules. Edit: Lol 3 people posted the same thing in 1 minute.
  5. I'm going, sent my entry form off last week.
  6. Love it! How long until you get your sky? Guess your purple bolts are because you are getting a purple bike?
  7. Looks good, can you not upload the pictures of here so we do not have to click the links?
  8. My dad ordered me some creepy crawlers as he could get the front for £10 and the rear for £14.
  9. Ok, so you say get some more creepy crawlers?
  10. Really good, how high is the building and what is the size of the gap?
  11. Hi, Has anyone had any experiences with the echo mod tyres? I need some for my first comp of the year next Sunday as my creepy crawlers are really worn and do not offer me any grip. On tarty it says that street riders love them for the strong sidewalls. Will they be ok for natural? I will be using the for natural and natural ONLY. Please do not say use the search as Jake+search=bad results. If there is already a topic the same as this please can someone link me to it. I need a quick reply as my dad is ordering them tomorrow. Jake
  12. You must of only just because when I started typing you were not veiwing the topic.
  13. Upload the on photobucket, then copy the link and put it in the picture button at the top. (Is this right? I think it is the same as other things I have used, please correct me if I am wrong.) Damn. You posted the same thing as me when I was posting mine.
  14. Looks lush, and over a 1 month bump?
  15. Looks like a really good place to ride.
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