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Jake Beach

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Everything posted by Jake Beach

  1. Jake Beach

    Clean 001

    Really enjoyed that, editing was perfect!
  2. Only noticed this because you posted it up!
  3. Was about to post this up, having the same problem with my hs33.
  4. Raceface was one of the mtb cOmpanies I least expected to go bust!
  5. If I remember rightly, Tarty Adam said you can wash them in warm soapy water?
  6. Jake Beach

    Red Echo

    Looking really good! Reminds me abit of a Fans.
  7. Urge Endur-O-Matic <3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Miles Mallinson

      Miles Mallinson

      yeh I was pretty chuffed about that what colour did you get i wasn't really sure what the combinations were but i think i chose the right one

    3. Jake Beach

      Jake Beach

      I didnt get to choose the colour, but i got the clear/whiit one

    4. Miles Mallinson

      Miles Mallinson

      i like it how they don't have any adjusters so they are really light, i had to cut the visor abit though it looked too much like a duck bill to me

  8. Mine is sat in a box in my room, ill try weigh it for you tomorow
  9. seem to be having my luck with competitions this year!

  10. Out of interest, what does the 'RR' on their products stand for? Is it the double r in Chlorrillas? Stuff looks good anyway.
  11. Looks lush! Keep the forks white though, they would suit is so much better than black imo.
  12. I always used to use two fingers until one of my mates told me to try riding with only one, since then I have only used one finger and can't ridewith two on the brakes!
  13. Nike 6.0's are good, thinish soles so you can feel the pedals, but dont make your feet hurt. They seen grippier than my 510s to.
  14. In the same boat as you mate, haven't ridden properly in about 5 months and hbtc have now finished I don't really have to be motivated towards for riding anymore. With the sailing season starting in the next few weeks I want to be out on the water more than I do riding at the moment.
  15. Dinghy show today :D

  16. Is it an 05? If your bleeding it with water you can bath bleed it, think there is a link on how to do it in revolvers sig.
  17. Is it Possible to have a confirm delete status thing when you click delete as I acidently deleted mine on my iPod.
  18. Want to get some decent sailing done, not just mess about like last year.
  19. Yeah! completly forgot what the last skin was like already.
  20. What was the program called? Or was it the news?
  21. Would come but im up in London for the dinghy show all day, havent seen you and Euan in ages!
  22. If a new member joins and make decent posts, will they still have to reach 50 posts before they can become a 'full' member or can they be upgraded early?
  23. Ahh, damn! Want a 4 finger blade for my HS33.
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