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Jake Beach

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Everything posted by Jake Beach

  1. Couldn't believe the news when I heard it! The world gas lost an amazing man. RIP
  2. Loved watching that little lad ride!
  3. Like the bike. But dont like all the monster stickers. Have you taken them all off, or just the top tube ones?
  4. Looks awesome, but I think it would be better with black forks!
  5. I have one and it's genuinely the best helmet I've ever had. Use mine more for xc than trials but it keeps my head cooler than my hex. Would defiantly recommend it to anyone. It looks a lot better than in the photos aswell
  6. Think these are the new models of the AM40's http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=55371
  7. Yes! Definatly get one if you can stretch, won one in MBUK and it is honestly the best helmet ive used. Keeps my head alot cooler than in a hex and a normal pisspot helmet
  8. Yep, the new forest is pretty flat ( and boring) but it gets slightly rougher and better as you go more towards pool/bournmouth. A long travel full sus is probally a no go if your area is fairly flat and smooth. I find that my lock out on my HT stays on most of the time on gravel and going up hill.
  9. Depends what your using it for, my dads mate has a hardtail, Jekyll and a pitch and he finds the pitch a bit of a 'tractor' for general xc stuff and only really uses it for Wales. It flies down a decent hill though
  10. Thanks for that, after quite alot of effort I managed to get it out, it turns out the bit that keeps it in was wedged in at the top :/
  11. So this will probably be the most noob question that ever gets asked, but.. I've just got my new brake parts through the post and need to put my lever on the bars by removing the grips (05 HS33.) Need some help on getting my bar ends out though. They are the ones that come with these grips: http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/lockon_grips/tryall_locall/c133p10158.html i have tried loosening the bolts right off and pushing the bolts in to release the bits inside that lock them in but is hasnt worked, is this not the right way to do it then? Apologies for my stupidness Jake
  12. You will have to do it with water, but it is better than the standard oil Ahhh no, Revolver beat me to it
  13. I would like to do more comps, since Hampshire's finished my bike never comes out tue garage
  14. Right hand, right eye, cant seem to be able to use my left eye to take photos for some reason
  15. Looks good! Copy and paste the bit onto here
  16. Yeah I know, was looking at them in my LBS the other day, to get one of a similar spec is about £1800 now, luckily I got mine in august when they started reducing them. Mine is a 'race' bike, flat bars and bar ends
  17. So after popping into Southampton Art Gallery, I actually founf it. It was completly differeny to what i remembered it as:
  18. Got a reaction k18 a couple of years ago for just over a grand with Fox F100 RLC forks and full XT kit and love it! If you can get a decent spec within the price, I'd say go for one
  19. Thanks Dave, should be going into town to get stuff for my work exp. so will try and get there then if I don't get it before, I've found every picture I need but this one now. Yeah that's the only one I seem to be able to find to, looked through his website but there doesn't seem too be much on there either. I think it had some sort of engine or mechanics on, something like a Haynes guide thing but tried serching that and can't find anything.
  20. Bit of a long shot really, but I'm doing some art thing on Andy Warhol. Went to his exibition at Southampton Art Gallery a few weeks ago and saw a painting/print (cant remember what it was) that had a pepsi logo with 'Andy Warhol' wriiten in it. It was part of a picture and it was in the bottom right hand corner, I think. Search through google images and cant seem to find it, does anyone know what this was called or even have a picture of it? Long shot I know, Jake
  21. Yeah, one of the guys at my club sails Feva worlds, went out in it with him on Sunday, put the spinnaker up and hiking and nearly fell out, loved it! It's meant to be slower than my 4.7 but no way could I beat it with the kite up
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