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Jake Beach

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Everything posted by Jake Beach

  1. Cant come, my mum and brother are going to brighton for this ice show and I always do something with my dad taht day. I could do sunday though if you can change it Brad.
  2. I have to agree. I remember when I got validated, I was really happy because I didnt just have to use NMC. But now stupid people seem to get through. I accidently vote for people is shouldnt, but that is from scrolling up and down.
  3. What do you mean? Dont understand it?
  4. Have you seen the thread in trials chat, and validated, so why dont you post in the topic?
  5. Keep it white! Lokks really nice with white stuff.
  6. I'm not from london, but I dont think you can take your bike on the tube.
  7. I think its center to center, phoned tarty about how to measure it before christmas but totally forgot.
  8. Dont forget you need to spend £15 on a top cap with the try-all.
  9. V!Z because I need a screw-in top cap, your current one will work fine.
  10. If your talking about top cap then yes, just dont see the point in spending £55 on a stem, you could put £20/25 towards something else on your bike.
  11. I got it and its really nice. Not too long, running with onza carbons. Thought there wasnt much point spending and extra £5 just for something lighter and slightly shorter. You would need your standard top cap.
  12. Yes, he probs didnt need to get validated
  13. Dont think they even had validation back then
  14. He was probs joined before they even had validation.
  15. Absolutly love it! What forks are they?
  16. It says on the site you get them with every order.
  17. Thats because he got de-validated
  18. to be honest it does get really annoying when 2 year old topics come up onto the main page. And he was calling you childish for you calling him a twat.
  19. Looks really nice! Whats the spec?
  20. Just took mine off to try, sooo much lighter!!!
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