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Jake Beach

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Everything posted by Jake Beach

  1. Alright, getting fed up of my HS33 now, do the bolts up as tight as possible, they are greased, my cylinder slips. Any suggestions to stop it slipping? I have Tensile clamps, Trialtech booster and the standard bolts on a T-Comp frame Any sugestions to stop it slipping would be appriciated, Jake
  2. I'm just going to change my pants
  3. Think it may be for his health after his heart attack.
  4. Just had a look, I can't seem to see it.
  5. So bacicly the Trialtechs are a better, similar verson of mine?
  6. You send the ACU form to Terry to sign, he will then send it to ACU. The ACU will then send you your membership card thing. You send the round 1 entry to Terry, he has to have it by at least the wednesday before the event so you can enter, dont think you enter on the day.
  7. I've near enough forgotten what the old one looks like already.
  8. Bahring, weighs so much less, and wont crack your frame.
  9. This helped me alot when I did mine yesterday: http://tartybikes.co.uk/media.php?group=guides&id=2
  10. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=134123&st=0&p=1852913&fromsearch=1&#entry1852913
  11. I actually quite like it. seems abit weird every time I come on,but ill get used to it. Already starting to forget what the old one looks like lol.
  12. What was his other feedback like?
  13. Got some identical viz forks, amazing forks! Really stiff and light.
  14. Yep, think so lol. Works fine on safari. Edit: Just noticed the nmc vote thing has gone, have we gone back to the old system or am I missing something?
  15. Not sure lol, came on vista. Edit: I'll try it on the Mac and see if its any different.
  16. It may just be me again but it seems to of have gone underneath lol.
  17. Like it! Is it just mine or does anyone else have the advert under the search blocking some stuff? Click the down arrow next to your name, then click messenger
  18. Not sure if they are right but: http://www.selectbikes.com/index.php?act=v...p;productId=127
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