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Everything posted by davey1991

  1. Jesus these frames are 2 years old!?? I feel old
  2. Looks like i may have too sell this already, damn car getting in the way..
  3. Haha, well getting used to it will take time. I suck.
  4. Entertaining as in wondering whether or not you'd need too go too the dentist after the jump lol?
  5. Took it out for a ride today with an innertube that stayed inflated, i'm so unfit now! It rides really well nice and hoptastic.
  6. New pics, including my RB lever!
  7. Seems like a god test, shows it holds well in the wet and on edges....
  8. I've put a magura on it but for now im just going too ride it. Maybe a shorter stem.
  9. Bought this today from Mr Muel. Pictures taken from the for sale thread until i get some. Different rear tyre and saddle from the picture. Spec: Frame: Koxx cheat code with some geometry but not alot. Forks: Echo ones with cracks in them, Cranks: Sr suntour with very spiny DMR v8's. Front wheel: ZHI hub, Trialtech rim and an old IRC tyre. (Came with a free puncture!) Rear wheel: Hope mono. DX32 rim drilled by Mr Boumsong apparently. Stem: Echo. Bars: Monty Pr. Brakes: Huh?
  10. I had too do mine with a hammer and punch, totally ruined the cassette haha.
  11. Its fine, its used to thin wet paint. It wont cause harm. Its very similar to GT85 and WD40 minus the oil part.
  12. I used to swim competitively.. Used prescription goggles or for epic points, Scuba goggles with glasses underneath!
  13. Its quite apparent that it has one! I shoved a gusset screw on cog onto my 1970's raleigh fixamajig standard rear hub.
  14. I see no reason why you couldn't run a freewheel on it.
  15. Inhalation wont solve it. It needs to be pored into your lungs.
  16. The way the planet gears are mounted scares me...
  17. Good idea executed ok but a few week links some good reviews some bad. Looks sexy though.
  18. Thats simple unique and my favourite frame of all time, always lusted after them. really really love it.
  19. Oh my, sexy cars and a sexy bike.. If only you were well enough too ride it! Looks awesome.
  20. Team America reference made it for me.
  21. T-pro's are awesome bikes, not just for begginers awesome in general i loved the 3 i had.
  22. That is a very well thought out and very very good looking SC!
  23. shotblasting bad, sandblasting less bad but still not ideal.
  24. davey1991


    My mind melted when i saw this first time around. its a bmtralixsycle!!!
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