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davey1991 last won the day on July 16 2024

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About davey1991

  • Birthday 11/19/1991

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  • Real Name
    James Davey
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  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Interests
    Guitar, Street riding.
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Too Much Spare Time

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  1. LEGEND, "Heads to RR swiftly."
  2. You seemed very un impressed by my manic waving mr Booth.
  3. Can't believe this has been here for 4 years! Still playing my ibanez rgr08ltd, still looking for the perfect strat. Still crap.
  4. EGR valves are a pain in the backside, such a poorley executed idea, in most cases they end up causing more problems than they solve. Had to clean/ replace one on an X-type jag, Transit connect, Transit van, Audi A5 which was only 15k miles old!!! This is all within 4 months, i understand the principle, its a great idea, but why oh why have so many companies failed too see how badly they fail... Rant over. In other news... Alfa is still leaking.
  5. You may not like shiny stupid heavy wheels but you do have good taste in nice light ones, that looks very very capable the bronze sets it off nicely. Alfa has alfaitis getting very hot, not overheating but leaking water somewhere, running down the engine mount, its probably just seeping through the block knowing the bloody thing.
  6. Hah thats doing it properly, Mr Alfa alphards wants £1000 for them with tyres!
  7. I'm sure it had the same effect as a handbrake turn...
  8. Its currently on the merc wheels but the owner has bought the 3SDM wheels pictured below the car, minds eye and all that jazz. Should look amazing. He took a really big risk with those Merc wheels in the first place and it paid of nicely.
  9. 3SDM wheels are proverbial porn! That alfa with... These too replace the merc wheels.
  10. Shiney and new side repeaters. Also painted spot light surrounds black looks more angry now grrr.... Before. After. Also saw this when parts shopping at the local ford dealer. Jolfa, i like the all red. Looks a real sleeper.
  11. Hah i've seen you by mistake! Oh the joys of being local, you seemed thoroughly engrossed in driving as i flashed your audi like a lunatic in my Micra, that must've been a long while ago...
  12. YES! My mum thought it was a two door until i mysteriously opened the side of the car haha.
  13. The roads around us cleared instantly, even car parks were melted pretty fast. What do you mean almost For now I've stopped but it wont necessarily be the end. *Italian driver* I clear the windows i need... hehe. Its awesome, handles far better than most stuff I'm forced to drive, it has double wishbone suspension up front and independent rear which is a new novelty on one of my cars. It handles like a hot hatch, turn in, floor it, grip grip grip. I can't make it under steer without scary scary speeds being involved. Seats are like little leather pieces of heaven haha, supportive and insanely comfy. Awesomely practical as well, big boot, folding rear seats and a sexy swoopy body. The looks i get as a 21 year old driving it make me smile like a numpty haha. Dry pictures before i gave it the compulsorily first wash. The i cleaned it and ruined it immediately in the snow haha. Oh quick little list of... I shall call them Alfaism's. Washers don't work. Wiper stalk is peculiar. it goes, intermittent - super mega fast - normal... Upper wishbones knock. As nearly every 156 / 147 and GTV does. Blows sidelight bulbs for fun... Good circuit according to multi meter no shorts or high resistance... The brightest headlights ever! I get flashed constantly even with my mains off..
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