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Everything posted by willis-gu

  1. Still got it mate, the control is unreal!!
  2. ffs not another one! if you see it and the person...UNLEASH HELL hope you get her back mate x
  3. why dont you just read the whole topic! I recon you should go to his house and nock him the f**k out! Then take your money back and your stuff!
  4. Looks really nice mate, maybe a silver stem? Just basically the same as my t-pro, i just bought them cranks, they are really really light! Just waiting for a decent silver stem to come up and it will be sorted! But yeah i really like it, bet it rides nice too, i love the geo of them like!
  5. ridig was really powerfull, however i liked you on mod better, the walls at 1.37 in sheff? they been nocked down now or summit?
  6. Yeah it is high mate....but you did touch it!
  7. ali c on ashton absolutly ripped it up!!
  8. Is this the person who is supposed to be better than Brett Penfold? And that 51" side? How did you measure it? because i noticed you took off from some concrete slab or something?
  9. i thought he was being a dick lol
  10. Are you trying to be funny here? This lad has had his bike stolen, and i think your been a dick about it! There is hardy any people who have there bikes tagged, i wouldnt even know where to look to get this done, and besides it will cost money. So you sound like your calling him thick or something! I would say just look after your bike by keeping an eye on it at all times, take it in the shop etc
  11. to be fair like, sounds like you have been ripped off, i wouldnt buy forks of him anyway, its a snap waiting to happen lol
  12. i will ask stebass doubt he will like, hes never out now so if you reading this ste, GET OUT!!!
  13. yeah agreed i mean hes only 17 hes still a child
  14. chavas f**king tossers! if anyone has it batter shit out of them with a dirty pole!
  15. my mate has them on his bike, he idolises them, and every person who rides the bike comments on them, i would say get them ha
  16. theres a pic of damon kicking about of him sidehopping over a washine line!
  17. They ride awsome though, and my friend has had no trouble with his dropouts, he has also done some big stuff on both street and natural. I think if you side hop the f**k out of it then it obviously with crack eventually. To the thread question though....its all personal preference, i mean me i dont really like long frames, and i dislike zoo frames, dont know why, just dont like them, so i would more than likely go for a onza ice, as the rockman is long. So to be honest, its upto you and the geo which you personally prefer.
  18. Mod rider was insane!! Never heard of him, but i recon now he one of my favorite riders, his style is just beest!!!!
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