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Everything posted by willis-gu

  1. First pic is epic !!! Mark...get a ride going up here in newcastle!!!
  2. If you go onto TRAs website i am pritty sure he has a good workout plan of how to improve your power.
  3. what the f**k!!!! tom is a little beast now!! hes improved fookking loads!
  4. YO!! are you here yet? have you arrived in newcastle? willis x
  5. lol f**king shocking this shit now! out of control!
  6. ahahahahaaaaaa made me f**king laugh that !!!
  7. I was once at a comp and it was snowing, railing, hailing, thundering and moody as f**k, like seriously the mud was 5 inches deep. Every persons brake i seen was shite! then i heard a brake. I actually could not belive someones brake was still working! So i went to see and ask! To the point...he had snowies on a grind f**king insane in that weather!
  8. god why be like that though?
  9. fail! mod for the win! harsh!!
  10. i wouldnt get the 2 bolt boosters if its flexing that bad....i would get the 4 bolt booster! ever more stiffness from the 2 bolts
  11. yeah....they only 6 pound in a shop near mee!
  12. they look f**king beest i recon, where does it say the geos? i cant seem to find them? EDIT: i have now found them
  13. willis-gu

    Ali C In Czech

    that front wheel drop off is insane, i love it!!!
  14. Silly...will be heavy as f**k, plus you would rip your trousers on both sides instead of just the left lmao
  15. tomb hopper lol looks like you have all the moves dailed there mate more preload and power through the cranks means these moves will improve and become bigger, frame looks fooking swishhh!!!!
  16. yeah we have done that in newcastle sort of, although theres still shit loads where we aint looked, when i go to ride leeds though, i dont want to be going round looking for spots , what if we go for an hour without finding a spot and then the spot is shit? plus i would get lost lol
  17. Heres 3 which i love!! http://vimeo.com/4490649 <<awsome http://vimeo.com/4042834 <<even more awsome http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79Ot1XjhGug <<and 1 for the mod
  18. YES...a few times, and i was there on sunday yeah...exactly i wanted to go to that place danny swin took us that time but no one would go! to be honest only thing at the play house is that drop gap and apparently thers nout up the uni...i cant remember where it is from last time like?
  19. +2 errr because we have rode bettr places? maybe? and errr for the size of the city you would think there would be more too ride!
  20. that place is f**king awsome!!!
  21. yes totally agree, also ricks tuck when doing the gap in the warm ups.....what a f**king beast that tuck was insane!!!!!
  22. paint job is f**king awsome....looks rad as eff!
  23. and brakes which need oiling! thats a possible reason why you fell off!! lol
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