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Everything posted by willis-gu

  1. grind your rims or use a disk!
  2. awsome song, awsome edit, awsome riding !
  3. Looks like he hasnt lost anything! good video
  4. His style is so sketchy, i wouldnt dare lie down for him to jump over me lmao
  5. monty 221ti bars they are theee boyo like! xx
  6. haha because he done all your lines Must say though he is a fooking nutter for doing some of those lines!! upmost respect!!
  7. Good video! I think he suits mod better, also his front brake looks wank
  8. Best stock out at the moment lardd
  9. I really like it, its not over the top with too much colour its really nice!!! What does it ride like adam?
  10. Love his riding his style everything, just wish he rode mod lol
  11. So Nathan used to ride trials but then about a year or so ago he moved onto down hill. He has had this video made for him! http://www.pinkbike.com/video/106737/#top
  12. I recon he will be on top gear next!! haha
  13. yeah but i have only ever seen joe hodges riding uni trials, this is why i thought this video was so good theres only joe hodges who jumps onto rails and rides along them, however on finding this i was suprised! If you have not tried it how can you say its shit. You mean you think it will be shit?
  14. Fooking awsome this like! Some of the stuff he actually does in it is massive and totally stupid too!
  15. Because you cant do it?
  16. So i found this on youtube, thought it was really good if you ask me. I think they from America so i am not sure weather it will have been posted on here before so, it may be a repost!! Anyway
  17. Really really good video that, liked it. He reminds me of vincent
  18. Then flower stickers looks beest lmao obviously cocks art! haha
  19. who did you get it off then?
  20. bastards!! where abouts is barrow farm?
  21. Yeah you only got the frame forks and maggy for £100 pound because its nicked! Its my mates and the full bike was nicked off him, the bike has obviously been split and sold to you! and you must know that if your respraying it!
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