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Everything posted by willis-gu

  1. As it says people.... sunday 29th. Lets make it biggish? Bring your people out! I will meet people at the station about half 10 or 11 then walk upto the skatepark and meet the wealthy people who have cars at the skatepark at 11. Write your name on if your out! Andrew Willis Steven Robson Alec Wray
  2. I think they may be known for cracking there, my friends snapped there too!
  3. They like must ride every day to be that good lol awsome video.....however i agree with the editing at the start being over the top, the flashing actually done my head in!
  4. Dont get tnn pads, they wear down very quick. You would basically be wasting your money. I take it you have some sort of 24" street bike, inspired or something like that? SO yeah obviously you dont need a pad which will have awsome bite. I personally would go for croco blues or rock pads. They should have the best wear life.
  5. Yeah man, depends on the geo really. The skull is obviously longer so i would say the skull would be a better 'streety style' frame
  6. I would recomend a grind. A grinder these days are only about £10/£15 pound, however you could borrow one off someone? Theres a video of the tnn crew of how to grind a rim on youtube somewhere! I run a grind and it holds really good even in the wet weather. I run koxx croco pads mixed so i have a blue and a brown on either side. If you look at the discription of pads it tells you what they are best conditions to use them in. I would stay away from tar because trying to ride in the rain with tar is just silly, it makes it slimy and it just does not work! Willis x
  7. Getting better! Frenchies on the go too eyy! lol p.s dont ride on the grass in winter, its usually wet and your brake is go wank! haha
  8. I think what i am going to do, make sure i commit a total 100% AND JUST f**kING DO IT! p.s a bail plan is also quite useful
  9. good video, i think he should stick to the TGS stuff though aka. drop gaps and sidehops because i think he is sketchy in some places when hes trying more 'lines'
  10. willis-gu

    Bay László

    Awsome, some of those lines were mint, what frame is he riding?
  11. Awsome like! Seen it before like but its defo worth seing again.
  12. Haha i have a picture of it from sideways but thats about it, i mean it was a random woman so couldnt exactly tell her to move if you get me lol i will be going back to get it on proper film....and on a new frame Thanks for comments so far people!
  13. Yeah correct, but you dont ghost ride it into a fooking wall you fanny!
  14. willis-gu

    Ptc Rafal 2009

    I actually jumped at 1.30, scary shit man
  15. Cheers man, i will try and get over some time soon, get onto ste and ask him and i will come with him haha oh also video is in the making, few month and should be out x
  16. Both awsome riders like, however i thought the camera angles spoilt it. I was a bit pissed off with the angles.
  17. Yeah there is better videos of him, but i thought for the age and how big the riding is in that first video, it was f**king awsome! I have been trying to get him too bring another video out, but hes not bothered about making one. Some stuff i have seen him do over the last year has been insanely good too.
  18. Ask tarty, they might have some lying about maybe? Just thinking because if someone orders a bike and doesnt want the stickers on they wont put them on, so they may have some spare.
  19. Are you going to run both disk and maggy at once like? lol
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