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About scottcj9

  • Birthday 06/15/1993

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  • Real Name
    scott rushton
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Onza Ice
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Location
    Stewartby, Bedfordshire

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Trials Monkey

Trials Monkey (2/9)



  1. Hi, so this is my bike http://s1252.beta.photobucket.com/user/taqqy4/media/image_zpsd5693c21.jpg.html http://s1252.beta.photobucket.com/user/taqqy4/media/image_zps1a743f92.jpg.html Needing a bit of advice on forks, recently put the vee brake back on the front and much prefer it but at the moment have got it on vee adaptors so i was going to buy a set of echo vee mount forks, but i wondered if a set of trialtech forks with the rear mounts would give me better braking at all? Not too sure on the benefits of rear mounting forks? Thanks Scott
  2. Hi, havent had a lot of time lately due to starting my new apprentiship but managed to get out today and film these few clips so thought id post them up Comments welcome Scott
  3. Yh it is, but it cant really crack anymore because of the size of the chris kings fun bolts which just cover right over the crack will do mate, just been working loads lately so had no time to ride
  4. Hi, so recently got hold of this frame along with forks, headset, stem and bars for a good price, and finally got it built too. Rides sweet Scott
  5. Sorry mate was only up for a little while and had a lot of problems with my bike. I ride with some of the barton lot when im up, my nan and grandad live in south ferriby It had to suit the theme of 'journey' hence the video of the journeys in the car, and videos of me cycling holding the camera before and during each section. I made the video in my 15 hour art exam and so had a lot of time Thanks for the replies
  6. Hi, had the last of my art exam today and so have finished and handed in this video. Not as pleased with it as i could be, didnt get many clips in the end due to lots of problems with my bike and transport and stuff. But hey enjoy Comments would be appreciated Thanks Scott
  7. Awesome mate! rolling gap at argos was sweet Scott
  8. So recently cracked my echo urban 4 bolt prity badly so they arent going to last long, so been looking round for a set of 26" forks with rear facing 4 bolt mounts. Echo urbans arent made rear facing anymore, and rockman and trialtechs are ridiculously expensive. The only forks i can find in my price range are neon curve blade 2010s. So just wondered if anyone had ever had a set and how good they were? how long they lasted? etc. Thanks Scott
  9. Just do what iv done mate, get a 2 wheeled sprung tensioner and take the pin out of the back so it sits up against the chainstay but because the chain goes round both wheels it stays tensioned, works really well, although sometimes the first wheel teeth touch the teeth on the king Scott
  10. Hi, for my A2 art final piece i have persuaded my teachers to let me make a video of myself riding, only problem was that i still had to choose a stupid topic and the best one i could relate making a video to was 'journey'. So here is my test video (prity much a practise to show my teachers) representing my riding and a journey around my local spots within the village. Opinions, comments and improvements would be brilliant as the better i can make this, the better my final grade. Thanks Scott
  11. My last video of me riding my Koxx Level Boss. Age 15. Filmed at Spurn Head, and Humberside.
  12. scottcj9

    Scott Rushton, Koxx 1

    A remix of all my so far Stewartby videos.
  13. scottcj9

    Echo Pure

    really like that looks smart!
  14. nice little vid mate. good to see you got the clip from the post down to the curb
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