right ho... i would say im a fairly new school rider, but with abit to much old school influence and love for pedaling a bike rather than hopping. The new school frames about at the moment are really not doing it for me and i have slowly been losing motivation for riding, theres no colours or good looking bikes anymore. trials seems to be dying, and i think it needs an old school injection to the new school scene, something new but old maybe. i am craving a bike with a seat, looking similar to the old mhz but a little lower...basically a slightly modified mountain bike, like it should be. frames still need to be fairly long for the uci comps, so im not talking 1010-1030 days... more like 1075, +20bb, 380cs. although that is my ideal geo so obviously that wouldn't appeal to everyone, but some maybe? my question is how many people would actually been interested in a frame like this... im guessing it will be more of the riders from back in the day, untill its the new fashion and everyone will be wanting a pashley again... with decent brake bosses. im hoping pashley might be interested if there is good feedback here...and maybe we can start making trials look good again.