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Everything posted by notknown

  1. right ho... i would say im a fairly new school rider, but with abit to much old school influence and love for pedaling a bike rather than hopping. The new school frames about at the moment are really not doing it for me and i have slowly been losing motivation for riding, theres no colours or good looking bikes anymore. trials seems to be dying, and i think it needs an old school injection to the new school scene, something new but old maybe. i am craving a bike with a seat, looking similar to the old mhz but a little lower...basically a slightly modified mountain bike, like it should be. frames still need to be fairly long for the uci comps, so im not talking 1010-1030 days... more like 1075, +20bb, 380cs. although that is my ideal geo so obviously that wouldn't appeal to everyone, but some maybe? my question is how many people would actually been interested in a frame like this... im guessing it will be more of the riders from back in the day, untill its the new fashion and everyone will be wanting a pashley again... with decent brake bosses. im hoping pashley might be interested if there is good feedback here...and maybe we can start making trials look good again.
  2. only so many times i can watch someone go up a box. big though.
  3. you all get a van then rowan?
  4. i want a frame made. i know what i want. does anyone know of anyone who will make one/get some made. is it hoffman in germany that can do it?
  5. notknown

    Curtis T1

    takes me back. is that recently been made? hows gary doing? they still made frome way?
  6. there's a good reason for that... i lost me other middleburn.
  7. pretty rad ride that was ye.
  8. massive thanks to tartybikes and trialtech.
  9. From the album: stuff

  10. From the album: stuff

  11. From the album: stuff

  12. From the album: stuff

  13. really gutted i cant make this. why does it have to be the same weekend as dj ride
  14. you aint no small rich. shot gun medium/large.
  15. is kenny supporting and1's?
  16. might come up, let the goose see the ganda
  17. 33.58 come on england, f**king have ittttt
  18. you are one baller mother f**k.
  19. i cannot remember it being that wet on the first day. rad vid matt.
  20. totaltrials, james porter in 19 and apparently lives in barnstaple devon. has nick goddard lost weight?
  21. notknown

    Elite Kd 09

    just aswell giaco's g/f got her own 5 seconds LMAO!
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