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trialsking 55

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Everything posted by trialsking 55

  1. the japanese ones are the scariest (Y)
  2. i like shawn. hes got loads more potntial and it should all come out now he's got a (i'm gonna get slated by all the curtis, 24", norco riders) propper bike, not just the frame the setup. i think we shall see a vast improvement :- and he's not wearin' a piss pot anymore
  3. just watched it again and i quite liked it :-
  4. thought shack was down :angry:
  5. mint vid (Y) wots the song?
  6. plazzies on medium - kinda harsh grind bloxx on super harsh grind. but i found bloxx quite unreliable as they have on and off days. (Y) but super power and hold on good days :P
  7. how do you lot afford insurance on all your cars?
  8. where did that come from lol :unsure: there all riding 26"
  9. if they're trying to shift these frames why are they giving them the worst paint job ever and the stupidest name :unsure:
  10. if your only annoyed at the locals why are you ranting at everyone else? and also what simon said is true about the date and everything.
  11. lmfao :unsure: edit: u actually look ginger joe (Y)
  12. i have yellow blue and red livestrong bands and they look identical :unsure:
  13. that looks so much fun. wish there was one closer.
  14. sweet bikes (Y) i'd get one ... if they werent soooo expensive :unsure:
  15. kazaa lite k++ no spyware, good rates, loadsa choonz :unsure: just very hard to get hold of
  16. just get an alex or an onza and strip it? and drill it?
  17. thats got to be my fave koxxdays vid up to yet :unsure: (Y) that kita mikoytuka(sp) tabletop thing was the shizzle (Y)
  18. how old do you have to be to work there?
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