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trialsking 55

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Everything posted by trialsking 55

  1. >_< sorry could'nt resist. but yeah pointless big drops and especially big drops to rails your not confident you can make.
  2. you should see a doctor about that joe (Y) . big big riding >_<
  3. trialsking 55


    vids from peeps like: craig lee scott all the engage vids koxx days vids neil tunnicliffe
  4. *waits for a post with details and pics on onza's new single tubed frame*
  5. lee buchanan(sp) bought a vid out a few week ago with TRA, wanio, and phil williams in it. it is a very good video (Y)
  6. sounds good. will edit when downloaded have you got your clips off your cam yet joe?
  7. 10-30am till 9pm thats 10hours 30mins. cool
  8. i just went down to my local halfords, tried a few on and ended up getting a met somethingorother for £27.99. that's gonna be the best thing to do. and to check if that giro xen will fit ask what size it is, ask around some local bike shops until you find one that has them in stock and try one on.
  9. checked it's defianately coming from the bearings, or something else thats inside (Y) . i think cleanbikes are going to try and sort me out anyway (Y)
  10. hmmm seems pretty f**ked and it was making the loudest cracking noise and then just stopping and pulling itself all to one side when it happend. but apparently the bearings aren't gonna be cheap to replace . has anyone got any decent sealed mod hubs they may be interested in selling if i can't sort this out ?
  11. i think the bearings are gone in my monty b221 hub. it doesn't move round very well and i can wiggle it side to side on the axle. is there anyway i can fix this?
  12. :lol: lurverley (Y) thats a wicked colour. nice one looks very proffessionaly(sp) done :shifty: can i ask what paint/laquer etc. you used and how many layers you put on? (Y) shiny
  13. nice, the full vid should be good. did you notice much difference with the wide lens on? what video editing software are you using. i've never seen anything like in that screenshot (which is the link for the vid).
  14. not a rolling wheelswap. it's hard to descride. but i do front touch when bashing/two wheeling quite high objects >_<
  15. i learnt i kind of new way (well for me anyway) of front touching. where you go slower than you would when backwheeling normally. then bring the front end up as normal bang it down on the TOP of the wall and it gets me up walls without me event trying - it makes me fly >_<
  16. if you were a computer fixer person you could make a bomb :turned: edit: by bomb i mean a lot of money cause that sounded wrong when i read it back >_<
  17. too be honest most disc brakes should have a similar amount of lock if set up properly with decent pads and well bled.
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