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trialsking 55

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Everything posted by trialsking 55

  1. joe, there the pads piki's got. he's got them on a koxx rim with a grind.
  2. he is on the site. it says he's from stoke on trent in his profile. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/index.php?showuser=3736
  3. mint vid s'gamlin :P funniest i've seen for a while "go on shmiffay!"
  4. wow (Y) you're a really good rider, some big stuff going down. a very watchable vid :)
  5. that was mint. you really suit that zoo! top job lee (Y)
  6. i would have said the black ones but thats because i thought they'd be all black when the lights aren't on. they just look naff imo like that. so i vote silver (Y)
  7. A - As I lay Dying - 94 Hours B - Bullet for my valentine - Cries in vain C - Cradle Of Filth - Her Ghost In The Fog D - D12 - How come E - Electric Light Orchestra - Mr. Blue Sky F - Farse - Broken Record G- Gorillaz - Feel good inc H - Hoobastank - The reason I - I Hate Myself - Not Waving But Drowning J - Jesus Jones - Welcome Back Victoria K- Keane- This is the last time L- linkin park- papercut M-Metallica - Wherever I may roam N - Nice and smooth - Sometime i ryhme slow O- oizo, mr. - flat beat
  8. montessa monty, first mod trials bikes
  9. fishing ^^^^^^best weebl and bob episode ever imo^^^^^^^ it's all in the ending :(
  10. gives you a bangin rep innit, like you look ret ard. :ermm: and then there's the bonuses of a whole range of cancer and disease. all for sucking on an overpriced stick that you burn :(
  11. trialsking 55


    hello, could somebody please tell me how i get rid of the url when i type in: e.g. www.r the drop down box comes down with a list of web pages. how do i get rid of them!! oh and i have internet explorer. thankyou danny
  12. loks like tra's one, his was shorter.
  13. i bought a webcam and it was fine but all of a sudden msn keeps telling me that my connection speed is slow and it's causing my webcam to turn shite. any help please (Y)
  14. eengoedidee has a 55mb limit (Y)
  15. no the bit after with the man in the wheelchair.
  16. s'ok, i guess i probably did'nt find it scary because i know it's just some guy with a mask on lol :rolleyes:
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