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trialsking 55

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Everything posted by trialsking 55

  1. trialsking 55

    my x-lite

    From the album: my album

    tis sexual
  2. go to www.imageshack.us and host it up there >_<
  3. unless he was wearing his helmet chav styleee his forehead upwards would have been protected, so his head wouldn't have got smashed into the concrete, the front of his helmet would. he'd still probably smash his face but i think you would have a higher chance of survival with a broken nose and a few cuts rather than a smashed up skull. >_<
  4. yay (Y) glad i could help mate (Y)
  5. yeh i seen that last night. was very cool (Y)
  6. ouchie :) http://www.kontraband.com/show/show.asp?ID...tn=index-topten
  7. rider: me (danny sansom) location: mansfield, nottingham
  8. ******need any iccle people to test it lol :(****** because i really am liking the idea of that. i want one.
  9. zona is a spin off brand from onza and as far as i know zona have no official website. the python style frame is the zona zip - not onza zona and there is a 26" zona coming soon apparantly
  10. ye but unless your still in kids sizes they're rather expensive, specially if your gonna batter them riding.
  11. dunno whether i should click it (Y) i'm only iccle. it was'nt scary at all (Y) . it was bizarre yes, but scary no.
  12. kanye west ft. jamie foxx - gold digger and next on my playlist is dr.dre - still dre
  13. they should star making trials specific stock frames with horizontal dropouts. no mech smashy or tension problems then :blink:
  14. if its backfiring check the air filter isn't damp or really dirty.
  15. i've got a n64 and a snes still (Y)
  16. this is frickin' funny, although it is kind of racist in places yucko the clown
  17. thats got to be one of the funniest moment on TF ever (Y) . ye im getting really annoyed with "bebo" whatever that is. ah well i'll live.
  18. wow i've never thought of it like that, but its so true.
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