for daaanhilla
*in posh voice*
oh yes mate. i would like you to do more riding so as i can see some more.
woohoo dee doo
woop woop
that must have taken a lot of bottle to do some of those moves
i am downloading as i speak
When i was little and i came downstairs all ready for school not knowing it was a weekend :P :-
First time i got drunk
Kicking a football at this lad with autism (sp) and hitting him in the face. I ran for miles absaloutely pissing myself while he was running after me screaming.
All the chases i've had while "mischeivousing"
When this girl i was with nicked someones dustbin and set it on fire on the local park :P
All these lads coming up this park and for some reason no one liked them so about fifty of us went after them lol.
All the times when i used to go onto the qaurry my estate is in and light so many fires :lol: . i'd come back stinking of smoke.
When it snowed loads and we put loads of massive snowballs around this persons car and they couldn't move them :lol:
First football match i went to watch :D .
Breaking into a caravan lmfao :-
Running for my life while being chased by police because we were pissing around on the rooves of this college :P
I'll add more as i remember
yeah and you can pay £3 for a thin see through case/skin and problem solved. and 1,000 spongs is easily enough. they are extremely user friendly, they have a mighty bling factor, and they're just, erm, good
well nortons qauranteened them both so they shouldnt be able to do anything. <_<
kinda scary what they can do though. the people that made them must be the biggest geeks in the world.
right norton has let me know that i have two trojans detected <_< "portal of doom" and "NetBus".
so basically what do they do, how do they work, what should i do etc. etc.
i hope it's not serious :S