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Matt Burrows

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Everything posted by Matt Burrows

  1. Conti UST tyres are made in the far east and don't use the black chilli compound, so basically they won't be very grippy. Big Betty isn't as grippy as a Maxxis 42a or RQ but its stability and puncture resistance is somewhere between the two, and bounces better than both.
  2. Beast! Those rail gap bails at the end were awesome
  3. Whaaaat, you b*****d! I wanted that frame! Actually looks quite nice like that as well, what are you doing with the Zoo?
  4. Sounds like it might need an overhaul to me, have the caliper seals and pistons ever been replaced? That would be my first instinct, if the lever is travelling too far or too little before the pads make contact then its usually down to worn seals. You could also have a bit of air trapped behind one of the pistons, which will make it feel spongey but can be impossible to remove through bleeding alone. If you send it back to Hope they usually replace all the seals and pads for about £40, which is an absolute bargain compared to most bike shop prices.
  5. Yeah thats what I was trying to get at, just you said it better. Agreed
  6. Was that supposed to be a description of SMs? As Joes post above yours shows, I'm pretty sure most of us don't care. To me that could be a description of Jack Meek or Mike. Both trying a bit too hard, expecting too much back and just coming across as very fake overall. The people who have really done a lot for the sport, have just done it quietly and never made a big shout about it. If riders have wanted it then great, but they have never felt the need to try and force it on people. Thats probably because they had their own personal reasons for doing it and concentrated on that. They weren't deluded into thinking they were these great trials ambassadors who were making the sport so much better for everyone. But ironically people like that have probably had the biggest effect (eg. the 2 Martins, Ad Read and Dave Cleaver, Barbara and Tyketrial). It also makes me think of YMSA and Dave Butler, who was always making a big noise about how great their comps were but struggled to get many to attend. Thats how I see it all anyway, be interesting if anyone thinks the same.
  7. Looks like its worth a ride or two. You do realise that you have two amazing natural spots within 30 mins drive? (The Roaches, and the rocks near Hathersage)
  8. And you're really helping to make it a better place!
  9. I'm guessing you do know that stands for summer months? Although he renamed it to Forwards
  10. In a word, NO! Buthiers is the most fun place I have ever ridden. The huge rocks give you a big sense of satisfaction when you get over them, and lead to lots of unique and fun moves. I think the chances of me getting any holiday on whatever week you guys decide to go is very very slim, but you never know.
  11. How disappointing, a lovely intro that decends into some shit with Snoop Dog
  12. Nice bunnyhops. Whats the music? I recognise it and want to listen to it, but can't remember what it is.
  13. Have you bed it in properly since you've cleaned the pads? The fact that it works with water but not without either means its just not quite bed in properly or theres still some slight contamination.
  14. Ah right I get what you are saying now. So you have found the surfaces start to round over time? Is there any chance the bolts have come loose and caused this? Mine genuinly has no signs of this after 2 years, but then maybe I just don't pull it as hard as you fat Loughborough boys! That sounds pretty rubbish. Just went out to check mine, on minimum leverage it pulls about 10mm, and on maximum leverage it pulls 15mm, maybe a bit more if I really yank on it. Either way the maximum leverage setting feels awefull, way softer than I would like so I can understand you not being happy with it. Maybe a Hope is the only way unless you can find an old model BB7 in good nick?
  15. Matt Burrows


    That was awesome Some really insane lines from everyone. It was great to see Porter in his prime, old DJ footage from one of the best years, and everyone floating over lines I have only dreamt of doing. The crash section was really quite spectacular as well! Kudos to Nick for finding the time to produce it, I hope you're proud of it. I'm really gratefull to have a video of a decent standard, that I can watch back in years to come and remember the good times had riding with everyone in it.
  16. How do solid metal parts become flexier over time . You do know that aluminium has very low fatigue resistance, surely if it was repeatedly stressed it would just snap? I've had one of the new BB7s for over 2 years now (as well as countless old models which all snapped). In that time i've snapped numerous pairs of forks, 2 headsets, been through 3 or 4 cables and a few sets of pads. Yes the caliper flexes, yes you can see it flex, but mine is no different to the day I bought it and still performs the same. I've set-up a few new BB7s for other riders and have never thought that they flexed less than mine. After testing new and old design calipers back to back on my bike, I did notice a difference. But it felt no more than the difference between a standard and a linear cable. It wasn't enough to make me switch back to the old one anyway, as the new one has proved to be way more durable and reliable in my eyes.
  17. Lolz Did she know you have an Ipad and a well paid job?
  18. GT85 or WD40 will clean the freewheel out, but it won't lube it. The springs are probably sticking because they are dry or are starting to rust. Flush it through again with the above then put some light oil in it (finish line wet chain lube is perfect). This might make it a bit quiter to start with but will make it run alot smoother and make it last longer.
  19. Don't do this, there is no need in a new Echo freewheel. And as everyone has said, TRs are great.
  20. If its only hitting the right side then just fit a BB spacer! They're usually 2.5mm, should help quite a bit and its very easy to try before bodging and cutting things. Have you got a LBS nearby? In my experience most shops will have plenty of BB spacers that they don't need.
  21. Is it a new compressionless (linear) outer cable? All cables will get flexier over time, especially linear cables. Is it set up perfectly square, with both pads making full contact with the rotor? Also is the caliper offset correctly relative to the rotor (offset towards the outboard pad with the inboard pad wound in and nearly touching)? Both of those can make a huge difference to how it feels. What lever have you got and does it have adjustable leverage? Just seems wierd for it to get flexier over time, its not something I've ever noticed or heard of before. I can't think of anything in the caliper which would cause it really, whereas there are lots of other parts to the system which can make a big difference to how stiff it feels. The only problem I have had is the ball bearing races getting worn, which causes the caliper to jam when you pull it hard At the end of the day a BB7 is always going to be flexy compared to a hydraulic because of the cable. The cable is the biggest source of flex in the system. Its only really a problem if you notice it affecting the power of the brake, which it never has for me. I have my lever set halfway between min and max leverage, so it could be stiffer if I wanted but i find halfway feels much better. If you do decide on hydraulic I would stick to the trials Hope. Some people will say other brakes perform well, but I think a rider of your ability will be disappointed with anything other than a Hope.
  22. Probably the most impressive and enjoyable vid I've seen from you, some beasty riding!
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