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Matt Burrows

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Everything posted by Matt Burrows

  1. Agree with every point made here! It obviously wasn't a big effort put into the riding, but its good to here somebody looking at trials in a more mature and professional way. I was really interested in his comments despite the gay accent. And I bet non-riders would find that more interesting than either Damons mega TGS or Alis super technical brakeless skills
  2. This^ If its definitely not the BB then check the freewheel bearings and the frame for any cracks.
  3. BB bearings would be the obvious one, assuming that everything is tight and well greased etc.
  4. Diameter of spoke hole, usually around 2.6mm
  5. So you made up a number for the PCD? I think its pretty obvious that Tarty meant PCD and not flange diameter, the flanges look bigger than 45mm to me?
  6. How did you manage that? I got 263.3mm for both sides. If you have an Echo TR hub, you can just fit an axle from a 116mm hub instead. The hub shell is the same on both the 135 and 116mm hub.
  7. Skills Enjoyed that quite a lot
  8. Undo the bolt holding the lever blade to the lever body so that the blade is loose. Then hold the push rod (thats the bit you've damaged) with a set of pliars and just turn the lever blade to unscrew it. Then you'll need some circlip pliars to remove the push rod from the lever body.
  9. I'd be interested to know how this all works when its finished. I spent £300 on a decent headunit that would control my Ipod, and its Ipod only, no cd player etc. I really didn't want to spend that much but it is the only one that allows you to control your ipod easily while on the move. Others were too slow to be safe I thought. I didn't think you could get decent sound quality unless you had a proper Ipod headunit.
  10. Yeah, because of idiots like you posting all the time when you know so little! Seriously, just stop and think before you reply, whether you are actually adding anything usefull to the topic. You are obviously very enthusiastic which is great, but most of what you post is just rumours, 2nd hand info that you have read on here or inexperienced opinions. And if you post rubbish, expect the old and experienced guys to moan at you
  11. Rubbish, my last set of plastic backed pads gave the best braking performance I've ever had! Switching back to metal backings when they ran out was quite disappointing. All these wildly differing opinions over pads just go to show how important the set up is.
  12. Wow, somebody actually has some taste. I was going to post a pic of Zooey earlier but didn't think anyone would appreciate her as she actually wears clothes. She does look like Katy Perry, but thankfully she actually has some class as well
  13. I'm coming, just leaving in a bit.
  14. Theres a land owner you need to ring. I'm sure his number has been posted before, you might be able to find it with a search. I haven't got any plans for tomorrow so I might be up for coming.
  15. Cool, I was thinking that might be what Dave was hoping for, but obviously I don't know what customers are demanding outside of the trials community.
  16. Does the 15mm lower BB make make it more responsive and lively as well? Just seems wierd to make it even more like a street frame. I would have thought most of the people who bought fourplays were trials riders more than street riders?
  17. Why the change in geo? Seems like a step backwards to me?
  18. Yeah yeah, we know how solid they are so you don't need to rub it in! TBF I think I've run it for a year and had less than 10 punctures in the time I've had it. Just I was being very harsh and sketchy that day
  19. Probably not, but the customer wanted it done! It was almost brand new afterwards and just about worked out cheaper than replacing it.
  20. The shop I used to work in charged £32 an hour labour. I think the biggest service job I ever did came to about £600 in total which included £200 ish for labour. Services were between about £80-£120 on average I would say. I have never known anywhere to work upto the high level of detail we did though, the manager was a bit obsessed with standards to say the least!
  21. True, I got 2 myself which is how I managed to compare sidewall thickness between the Big Betty and Trial Queen!
  22. And didn't they both puncture them in Porthcawl? From what I have seen of it, it's not really any smaller, thicker or more stable than the RQ which is an all round fail in my eyes. It sounded like it could have been the perfect tyre when it came out but I just don't think the sidewalls are thick enough. Its definitely thinner than my Big Betty, which is a smaller size as well but is still not as stable as I would like.
  23. I know a few people who have stripped the threads on those hubs before just from riding. Could it be that the threads are slightly squished which is making it difficult? If this is the case you can't really do anything anyway but clean them as much as possible and try to fit the new cog. Sometimes running a very sharp and thin knife down the dips in the threads can help to clean them up. You can use it almost like a file to help re-cut flattened parts of threads. Other than that just grease it up plenty, make sure its on the first few threads properly, and if its still tight you might have to just force it on and prey!
  24. Two problems there, one being that Hope QRs are rubbish, and the second being that it should be well greased not clean These days unless I'm going downhill for more than 10 mins I just leave my saddle at max height and deal with it, surprising how little it bothers me now. I guess I should add some pics while I'm here. I bought this frame a few years ago and built it up on the cheap. It was looking a bit dull and needed some new parts. So I decided to touch it up, relacquer the whole frame and get a decent spec throughout. You can make out some of the bits I touched up in this photo, but in real life its very hard to see.
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