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Matt Burrows

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Everything posted by Matt Burrows

  1. If you want a brake for trials, stick with the mono trial. The tech lever has extra adjustments, but is heavier and also feels quite spongey when you pull it hard. The new calipers (X2, X4) have been designed for XC/Trail use so again won't be as good as what you have already.
  2. I'm currently running one of those DMR 42a tyres. They are pretty light, and if your a street rider on a budget then they are ideal. But they definately aren't as grippy as a try-all; for comp riders they are still the best balance between weight and grip.
  3. Well they obviously were already cracked, and probably only hanging together from the sound of it. I wouldn't bother with any other Deng forks. The Gu's will be stronger, but for a little more money you can get Trialtechs. My current trialtechs have lasted over 3 times longer than any current Deng fork, they are much stronger
  4. I was laughing most the way through that! Laughing at myself for thinking 'he can't do that surely' only to watch him piss all over everything. His front wheel moves are on another level!
  5. It will cost a fraction of the hubs value to get it repaired, just send it off and get it fixed. You could then sell it on Ebay or similar and get a trials version with the money. By far the most cost effective option!
  6. Ha have you ever watched the x-files? They know nothing!
  7. Trialtech, mine have currently outlasted previous sets Urbans/Zoos/Hi-Fis by over 3 times and still going strong
  8. It was a very funny week, with good weather, a fire every night and more riding than I've ever done before. Although come Saturday I was dead. Pigeon by fire was an interesting one Was nice to meet you guys, a shame about the camper van!
  9. Well yeah a lot have people have stripped the threads, but we were talking about damaged teeth on the ratchet ring. The teeth on the ratchet don't 'strip', but they are obviously subject to a lot of force and wear and do need replacing periodically. Hope do occasionaly get a hub where a damaged ratchet ring is seized into the hubshell, in which case they will have to replace the whole shell. But the majority of the time they can just whip out the ring and replace it with a new one, for which they need the hub to be built up into a wheel
  10. If the Hub shell is still in one piece then surely they can just replace the ratchet ring, for which they will need it to be built up?
  11. Trialtech forks - Light stiff and strong Middleburn cranks - Used nothing else for the last 7/8 years of riding, unbelievably resistant to trials abuse, legendary product Hope Pro 2 - Brilliant design, not perfect I know but mine have out lasted any other hub used by 2 or 3 times Avid BB7 - Without one my riding would be nowhere near as fun, put simply it allows me to do a greater range of front wheel moves than possible on any other brake Fat/Joy pad material - Awesome for the rear brake. Hope stem - Light, fairly stiff and so far has taken 3 years of hard riding. Trialtech bars - Good shape Adamant 2007 short frame - Bought 2nd hand, has taken over a year of my abuse, but more importantly has made my riding twice as fun and enjoyable. A brilliant balance of riding styles which is nigh on perfect for what I want Hansventure rear tyre - Used for a few years now, grippy, big volume and not too heavy especially with half the side knobs cut off
  12. Don't want to be negative but I think you'll have your work cut out Ali. I have tried to put this idea into our reps. head a few times and we've chatted about the possibility of a remake. I tried to make a big deal of how the market has matured and how there is definately a gap for a well made modern British comp frame. I think they would take a lot of convincing, but if we stir enough interest anything is possible.
  13. Ordered a new bash recently and I got it pretty quick, for a bargain price with sweets included . So it's not all bad, thanks Steve
  14. You will be missed Ali! Why don't people add their E.T.A or ferry booking instead of just names? My ferry is booked for 10pm Mon night (Dover-Dunkirk), want to try and get some sleep as soon as we get into France and then arrive mid Tues afternoon. 1. Steve Rogers 2. Andrew Walker 3. Nick Wood 4. Rob brodie 5. Dan Brooker 6. Chris Elson 7. Nathan marks (nathie wafie) 8. Matt Everett 9. Will Arnold 10.Ryan Crisp 11.Charles fried 12.Max T*****r 13.Ali Courtney 14.Matt Burrows 15.Tim Stedman
  15. A decent vid with some impressive riding. I liked some of the slow tracking shots, when done right it looks great. Although I thought it would have been more interesting to mix the shots up a bit. That main spot in Canberra thats in all the vids looks like brilliant fun for trials! Thanks for sharing
  16. Agreed! Isn't that Liverpool gap 9 foot? I couldn't get anywhere near that the last time I tried and you completely float it, beast. I think you need to come and do some comps
  17. Really that should only happen if there is air in the system, you usually get air trapped or collected in the lever which you never even notice until the brake is upside down. I've seen this on quite a few sets of new brakes from the factory. It can be a real pain to get rid of every last air bubble when bleeding juicys. To the original poster... I suggest you give the brake a thorough clean and dry all over, check the pistons are moving freely and equally and then give it rebleed. Refit the brake and check it for signs of leeking fluid around the hose connections, pistons, and reservoir. If its not leaking anywhere, is bled perfectly and is still pulling to the bar it could be a worn seal in the master piston. I've had that happen quite a few times, the brake will lose power completely but without losing any fluid. You can buy seal kits if there are any damaged seals.
  18. Don't blame Avid for your bad workmanship! I have worked on hundreds of sets of Juicy disc brakes, and for all the problems I have had to deal with I have never encountered any stripped threads. The noise could be anything really, if you don't have the knowledge to diagnose/fix the problem it might be better to take it to a shop for them to look at? Disc brakes require a lot of experience and skill to get them set-up perfect, its something worth paying for I think especially after seeing the state of most peoples disc brakes.
  19. Just got back, been out for 17 hours in total including 6hrs driving. Now thats what I call a ride! Was having trouble staying awake on the way back. Thanks to Jack for having the idea and everyone else for turning up and making the ride so memorable
  20. most... resprays... EVER What next?
  21. I think like everyone I have strengths and weaknesses, but I can't think of any move in particular that I really want to learn. The main area I want to improve is my riding mindset to allow me to push the limits harder and improve faster. After over 9 years of trials I think I can do most techniques to at least some level. I'm not very good at switchfoot, which is really usefull in comps. Its actually quite sad to be struggling to think of things i want to learn, anybody got any suggestions for new moves?!?
  22. A shame about the Monty, but it was a nice day to be out riding. Had fun despite 5hrs sleep and a nice hangover
  23. Impressed with the riding, some nice moves mate
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