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Matt Burrows

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Everything posted by Matt Burrows

  1. Love it I'm definitely feeling like I need to come up for a weekend and ride with you guys. Would be good to get a session at Ogwen going
  2. Nah it was just under 6 months, of riding 3/4 times a week. Pretty strong bars for the weight, as strong as anything else out there I'd say. I would recommend replacing any set of bars after a year though just to be on the safe side
  3. I know where your coming from James. After getting bored of my Pure, I got my 24" and rode that for 6 months. Then I picked up a sponsorship and had a 26" specced for comps, which felt effortless for trials but rubbish for street. I kept the 24" for a while but whenever I rode it I always found myself missing the trials ability of my comp bike. So I rode that instead, and ended up developing a horribly boring hoppy comp style. Then one day I was watching old vids of me on my Pure, and I realised how much more I used to be capable of. About the same time Mike got a short Adamant and his riding ability shot up. I had a go and after 5 mins it just felt like the most chuckable and fun bike I'd ever ridden. 18 months later I'm still riding the same frame and loving it, I even bought another one as a backup. Just went out to measure the geo and it comes out at 1075, +20 and 375 stays (with trialtech forks) Oh and I'm pretty confident to say your chances of getting Pashley interested are very slim...
  4. They're not out yet, I think I've got the only set made so far. But they work great, and look very similar to the Mag backings. Me, Mike and Max T are off to Europe for 2 weeks tomorrow, so it will probably be a good month or so before they are ready to buy.
  5. Traffic wasn't too bad for me, probably added 30 mins max. I was so tired I had to stop and rest for 30 mins! Thanks to all for a great comp and enjoyable day
  6. Hope are very busy and don't make a huge amount of money from the trials market, so its hardly their top priority. But I am another person who would love a 116 Pro 2 for my modstock...
  7. I agree on the denting front, but the new long Pashley is probably one of the strongest frames out there and that is 1080
  8. Whatever you do, don't do that! Sanding brake pistons?!?
  9. I was supposed to be working but plans have now changed so I should be able to make, will get an entry off tomorrow
  10. Getting it serviced, with new caliper pistons and seals is the only sure way to fix it. You can send it off to Hope and they will do all this for a very reasonable price, about £40 I think. If you can't afford that, giving it a clean may help. Take the pads out and clean around the caliper pistons with an old toothbrush and some gt85. Once it is all clean you can try working the pistons, pull the lever to pump the pistons out(make sure they don't come out more than 5 or 6 mm or you could pop them out of the caliper bore completely). When you pull the lever both pistons should come out evenly, if this is not the case then you need to work the slow piston. Carefully push the pistons back with flat bladed screwdriver or small spanner. Now hold the good piston in place with said tool and pull the lever until the sticky piston moves. Once it is out 5mm or so, make sure it is all clean, give it a spray of gt85 if needed then push it back into the caliper. Keep pumping it out and pushing it back until it frees up, than check if both pistons move equally again. Once your done make sure you push both pistons back and wipe off any excess degreaser before refitting the pads, then refit the brake and give it a try. If your lucky that might cure the problem, but 90% of the time you get sticky pistons it is due to worn caliper seals and the only thing you can do is replace them all...
  11. Personally I find the BB7 to be much better for trials. The hope usually has very good bite, but doesn't have quite the same holding power as an avid. I feel more confident with my BB7 that I can really throw myself to front without the brake slipping.
  12. I wish I was going, but for the 2nd year in a row it is on the same day as the DJ memorial ride. Hope everything goes smoothly
  13. Sorry I didn't catch your name dude? But yeah as discussed on Monday, a good night out and then ride the next day would make for one awesome weekend
  14. Yeah agreed, I think its a good idea and they look swish. V users need more choice for pads!
  15. Lol as if its made from high tensile steel, it might as well have an Apollo badge on it I say nice one to Damon for posting these pics up, least everyone knows what to expect now.
  16. Do you think it'll be strong, or were you being sarcastic? 1.78kgs will not be strong! Frame looks nice, apart from the gusset on the underside of the top tube, that just looks messy. The geo sounds great, I'd love to ride one, but I wouldn't pay for one. I doubt I'd get 6 months from something so light
  17. It's tiny, and there is practically no riding there apart from the awesome Marin XC trail in the forest nearby. However If you travel 10 miles up the A5 you will find lake Ogwen, which happens to be one of the best natural trials spots in the whole of the UK.
  18. Any updates at all? I have a modstock frame that is lying around waiting to be ridden
  19. Shhhhh, I am Mr smooth! Yeah I did break a set, but they were prototype forks with a short disc mount. Tim had been running them for months as well so it wasn't like they broke quickly. But for the money, they are pretty damn good forks. People have been running the non disc forks for years and they have a great reputation.
  20. It seems real info for this event is very thin on the ground! Common guys, its 6 days away and I still can't find out exactly what is happening on each day. Why the 2 days of competition? Is it going to be the same sections? Surely it makes sense to have one proper day of comps, with a better turn out, and all the elite prize money going to that? It seems there is a lot of confusion on which day to go down for
  21. Nice video guys, some good lines there. Any chance of a google map link to the rocks?
  22. Truely insane, he certainly can gap! We really have been spoilt the last 2 months with all these vids Claudio has been making
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