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Matt Burrows

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Everything posted by Matt Burrows

  1. Hey guys, I've uploaded some photos from a recent roadtrip with Fatmike and Max T. Alot of random photos of stuff we saw on our journey, with some riding at Buthiers on our last day. Hope you enjoy, on Facebook only. Pics
  2. Yeah Ali was on form that week! Glad you guys enjoyed it, thanks for the comments
  3. Hey guys, here is a vid of us riding Koxx Days in 2007. The footage got deleted from my computer ages ago but I recently found the tapes and thought I would throw a vid together. This is only about half the footage I filmed, but hopefully you'll still enjoy it! Its only a simple edit but let me know what you think. Sorry the quality isn't better! Koxx days 2007
  4. Wish I could be there now, was such a fun trip! Thanks for the vid Max. Next time we might even manage to ride properly
  5. YES! Great to see you riding, looks like your doing pretty well out there for stuff to ride on. Was that a slackline you rode along?
  6. That's a pretty brief overview of the many different properties of brake pads. Also Tarty only sell 3 types of disc brakes, its hardly a cornerstone of their buisness. Neither is it in their interest to complicate consumers choice by fully explaining all the pros and cons of every product they sell! Oh right, I didn't realise your word was gospel! I will ask again, based on what evidence? Either way organic pads will surely work fine, some companies organic pads can work really well. In particular Avid and Magura organics are good and still have decent bite. Sintered pads sometimes don't work as well if it gets really cold, but in my experience in the majority of cases they give better bite and more powerful braking. This is based on test riding hundreds of bikes with dozens of different pad and brake combinations.
  7. Based on what evidence? Shorter life does not make for better brake performance! Organic are probably better for XC and trail use and you will often hear bad things about sintered pads used for that application. But for pure braking performance, sintered are the way to go. They have a higher metal content and give more powerful bite to the brake, which is exactly what you want for trials.
  8. Wouldn't bother paying much attention to those reviews as you want different braking properties for Xc/trail use. Go for sintered pads to give best braking performance, Hope's own should work well. Just make sure you give the rotor and caliper a good clean before you fit the pads. Oh and that link about leaking calipers, its not an issue with mono trials since they are one piece (not that I have ever seen it be an issue with old calipers either).
  9. Matt Burrows

    Nwbt 5

    Enjoyed that a lot guys
  10. Also you will need to space the caliper correctly so that the rotor sits in the middle, and get the right size rotor/adaptor for your caliper. What number caliper is it?
  11. I'd be game but the forecast looks pretty poor
  12. They don't come any stronger than this. Really nice riding frames in my opinion, and it will probably last for much longer than you would need it to.
  13. I've got Sat to Mon off work, thinking of tagging along with you guys. Although I am known to do quite a bit of TGS . Where are you guys planning to stay Sun night? Is there room for a crasher at anyones house?
  14. You know it! I've actually got some 24" wheels I want to try in my Adamant to see what its like. Mainly because I can do it for free, but also I'm so used to the geometry I don't really want to change frames. On the whole Deng 24" issue, I for one like them. I think it would have been a lot more interesting to have one around 1060-1070 though...
  15. It is one of the most exciting and unique things you can ever do, you won't regret it!
  16. Age: 25 Bike: Adamant 2007 short What is the best trials specific product you have ever used?: See above^ What is the worst trials specific product you have ever used?: Onza Ronnie rim, any recent Deng forks How long have you been riding?: 12 years, 10 years trials How often do you ride?: Usually 3-5 times a week How often do you ride with other riders?: Probably more than half the time, but its also great to ride on your own and do your own moves Highest sidehop: 49" Longest gap, flat to flat: 8ft 3" static, 10ft pedal gap Biggest tap: 52" Biggest drop: 10ft Biggest up: 63" hook Can you tailwhip?: no the cables won't let me Can you switzerland squeaker?: like a boss
  17. BB axles are made from hardened steel, cranks are made from comparitively soft aluminium. If the crank bolts aren't done to the correct torque and the bike is ridden with them loose, it squashes the soft alu crank taper. Making for loose fitting cranks that will keep coming loose, even after the bolts are done up really tight.
  18. Some interesting and creative moves with an old school style, loved it
  19. Standard Avid pads are insanely good?!? Whatever you buy, you want sintered pads for trials. Out of the 20+ different branded pads I have tried, sintereds are consistently sharper and provide more bite.
  20. I'm not much of a 5 fan myself, but that does look pretty beasty. What sort of riding do you usually do Ad?
  21. Yeah me and Tim went up on trials bikes, a 3hr journey for us though and we didn't get there til late. Its bigger than you think I guess as we managed to completely miss everyone else!
  22. Who went in the end? We saw some trials riders cars but we didn't actually ride with anyone, were too busy having fun riding to try and find people
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