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Matt Burrows

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Everything posted by Matt Burrows

  1. You mean hard working? Some people actually buy things with their own hard earned cash not with mummy and daddy's! Bike looks sweet dude, I hope you're going to ride it plenty
  2. Cool well if your smooth enough to use one then why not, quite a bit lighter . Just the trials version has twice the engagement so feels better to ride with
  3. Why would you want to use an XC hub for trials? Do you realise how different it is to the trials version?
  4. I think you guys have gone away from the point slightly! Hope are NOT going to be making rims! Trials isn't exactly their priority and they are far too busy making MTB components to think about making CNC rims for such a small market. They have a big machine for building wheels which they use to build all their 'Hope Hoops' wheelsets. Judging by how quick the machine can build wheels they probably have spare machine time, and thought it might be a good idea to sell full trials wheels. This is just research to see what rims would sell best.
  5. Or you just clean your rim afterwards . I can't stand grinding with the tyre on, it makes it so awkward and harder to put real force into the grinder. I also hate cutting discs for the same reason, you have to be so gentle and the grind is always shallow. I use a NEW metal grinding disc (they go blunt and crap after 1 or 2 grinds) which is much stronger, which means you can put more force behind the grinder. I hold at a 45 degree angle and do 2-3" at a time. Grinding discs are surprisingly strong and you can literally hit the rim with the grinder if you want a really savage grind. P.S. Always wear eye protection at the very least! If your stupid enough to risk it and not use protection you deserve to go blind!
  6. 95kg? I'm 80kg and wouldn't touch a carbon bar. I've seen enough light riders break decent carbon bars to put me off. Saying that I seem to break alu bars pretty regularly, and most have gone without warning, no creaks before hand just a sudden failure. Bar snapping is not nice! The only trials bars I haven't broken were old Zoo bars, but the current ones have a horrible shape
  7. Enjoyed that Ross . Some good lines and ballsy moves, particularly liked the balance lines. Oh and good choice of tune!
  8. Right, Bristol tomorrow is go! Walker, Steve A and I shall be going, getting in around half 11 hopefully
  9. Any event involving Buthiers I will be interested in
  10. Couldn't agree more! Utter garbage
  11. Pretty much exactly how I felt when I first found out! Seriously gutted, was looking forward to Koxx days already
  12. Worst news of the week! Buthiers IS Koxx Days
  13. I cut about 1cm off each end of my trialtechs, feels much better
  14. Here's a vid of local rider and mate of mine whos been riding for a long time. Not so sure on the edit myself but his riding is pretty skillfull, just thought i'd try get it a few more views.
  15. Cool well yeah those Kinesis look pretty solid if you need a 440 fork, only other forks I could think of would be steel ones like Planet X/On one or Kona project 2s
  16. Yeah thats what I was worried about, really flexy or OK with a booster?
  17. Right I am thinking about building up a comp bike, and this frame looks like spot on geo for me. Obviously it is very light and very cheap so I'm not expecting it to be very strong. Just wondering if anybody has used one and if so what they thought of it, how it rode and any problems or issues etc. I'd be buying the long one btw. Because simple
  18. I've got a set of kinesis forks here that I just weighed at 1240g, what's the point . The Nukeproof ones still aren't that light, you can get decent strong alu forks for the same weight and lighter. Also you have to consider the fork length, both those carbon forks are really long and would screw up the geo of any trials frame.
  19. Was a good ride, first new place I've ridden in ages! Thanks to those who showed us around all the spots
  20. I doubt it would make any difference that you'd be able to notice, aslong as your headset is in good condition I wouldn't worry about it. Urbans are super flexy, I've just gone from Zoos to Trialtechs and the increase in stiffness is very evident!
  21. 99% of people on this forum know a lot less than they realise! Also 99% of statistics are made up on the spot with no evidence to back them up. All Hope ratchets were and are machined rings of steel, threaded into the alu hub shell. I agree with you on how poor the Bulb hubs were though, they would last me a few months at best
  22. For trials use they aren't great, the Pro 2 Trials is far superior. The XC/mono hub had 21 engagements, the bulb was slightly different with 36. Compared to a Pro 2T they are flexy, engagements aren't as solid, axles are weaker and the freehub wears quicker. Get a Pro 2T if you can
  23. All that advice is spot on really! XTRs are far too flexy for the back, so stick with what you've got and maybe get some new cables. I've been really pleased with my A.Bikes Co. linear cable but they are all pretty much the same. Just make sure its a linear as they compress less than standard cables and give a firmer feel.
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