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Matt Burrows

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Matt Burrows last won the day on September 24 2010

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About Matt Burrows

  • Birthday 09/10/1983

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  • Real Name
    Matt Burrows
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Short Adamant 07
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Interests
    Trials(duh!), Triathlon/multi-sports, Road cycling/racing, XC MTBing, swimming, running, indoor climbing, music, singing, driving. random exploring and travelling, anything new and fun!
  • Location
    Worcester, Midlands

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Trials Elite

Trials Elite (6/9)



  1. It depends on the frame really. It certainly hasn't effected the strength of mine, but then my top tube is thicker than most frames downtubes
  2. I did the Rangers path 2 weeks ago. We rode up the Llanberris path, down the rangers and then a short push uphill to come down telegraph valley. I didn't think it was that great and would definitely recommend just up and down the Llanberris path instead. The knarly rocky sections ruined the flow for me, even if you can ride them you have to go slow. For the really difficult bits I would have been faster on the trials bike... what's the point? It's funny reading that thread and watching the videos where people are riding the rocks slower than walking pace, closet trials riders I think! To me I'd rather blast down the fast and flowing llanberris track. An epic descent which is as scary and difficult as you want it to be. Its all completely rideable for the average rider, it's just a case of go as fast as you dare.
  3. What compound high rollers do you run Tic? Out of the two other options you list, minions don't roll that much better and advantages aren't very inspiring in terms of grip. I'd recommend you stick with the high roller on the front, 2.35" 60a compound. Then run either a crossmark or aspen 2.25" exception series on the back. Both of these roll better than the high roller, have excellent and predictable grip and are nice and light while still being stable and puncture proof. I'm running a high roller/aspen combo right now and it's fantastic for trail riding at this time of the year. If you wanted something faster you could try a racing ralph 2.25" or 2.4" (on sale at CRC). They are amazingly fast and still very grippy and predictable, but don't have the same puncture protection as a maxxis.
  4. I'm coming up on sat morn with John Shrewsbury
  5. Hub= Snapped axle/worn bearings/axle bolts not clamping the frame properly For the bolts you need loctite 243. If you don't coat the bolts and hub threads with it when you fit them then they will come loose. You can get it from any decent hardware store, or halfords/homebase etc
  6. They are definitely thicker than both single ply maxxis and rubber queens, and are more like the rubber queen UST tyres. They are the same thickness all the way through unlike a lot of tyres which is probably what makes them stable. I'd say the compound is more like those DMR red shifts (supposed to be 42a but more like 60a?) than a maxxis super tacky though. Oh and to answer the question above, wear rate is great. I used one for a year and it still had plenty of life left.
  7. The alu ones for normal Pro 2 hubs don't fit, you'd have to get one made. But yeah you are right, its cheaper and easier to save weight from other components. Although it would be cool to have all the mods I mentioned and get the hub closer to 300g
  8. Big betty is a seriously underrated tyre! Considering the weight (850g for mine), its stability and pinch protection are awesome, much better than the other light alternatives I've used (rubber queen, single ply maxxis). Its also the bounciest tyre i've ever used and really helped with my gaps and sidehops. Just a shame the compound isn't a bit softer, its not that grippy especially in the wet.
  9. Ceramic bearings, aluminium cassette body, titanium bolts. Those are the only things that will save any significant weight. Removing the disc mounts would save about 5 grams if that...
  10. Riders from Worcestershire riding in Oxford and Worcester
  11. Matt Burrows

    Worcester Spots

    Worcester ride 2004
  12. Firstly, I didn't think there was much point mentioning the 'continental' tyres made in the far east. They don't use any of the technology that makes the german conti tyres unique and have a history of being utter garbage, they are just cheap copies with the same tread pattern. Secondly, the info on the tyres is up on various conti websites? Like here, and has been on bike sites like singletrack etc? 180tpi with apex inserts, the same as the rubber queen. Thirdly, whats the point in releasing an all mountain tyre which has heavy duty DH sidewalls and extra sticky compound? Treacle coated tyres would have less rolling resistance than a rain king
  13. Ha You guys are far too kind, I'm glad people still enjoy that vid! It would never have happened though if it wasn't for the inspiration and help of my local riding friends at the time, who have since all moved on. I would still really love to make a high quality and well produced video, something to show the grandkids in years to come! But unless I move to a bigger city with a good riding scene it is never going to happen. Anyway back on topic... looking forward to the stinger
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