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Everything posted by 3dd

  1. Tubes sticking out of tyres I loved the back tyre! Video was great too!
  2. With his moves, i doubt he wants snap happy half link chain. Managed to snap it twice doing the same move, kick to 90 degrees to back wheel into drop. Thank god the drop was quite small! I am still alive!
  3. Is that a trials heaven they are riding in, in the video? And one more! I didn't like that guy's helmet with cousteller
  4. Is this one longer? Does it feel better than the old one? Probably will take some time to get used to
  5. oh my god! He is not a human first sidehop was amazing!
  6. 3dd

    Summer Vs Winter

    That what I was about to say, haha. Ninja! Good video! Loved the tap up to front
  7. 3dd

    Nike 6.0 Trial

    I am afraid i cant quote all the people here. But, the music is actualy russian. But they are not riding in russia though, as other banners are probably in Polish (not sure). U need to understand the words to get the vid, LoL.
  8. Lets Go! 11 o'clock ish at usual place.
  9. Sorry for offtop Ben L, We realy need to make a topic about what is trials is all about... Well, I'd rather watch that fag having a good time than watchin a pro rider do the craziest things that he is bored of.... I am not that good, and I prefer riding with people who are just slightly better than me, so I can learn and progress. Dont you also find giving a tip to unexperianced riders makes you feel good?
  10. 3dd

    Best Of Btm '08!

    IT is always nice to watch great quality video! Looks like you guys had lots of fun out there! P.S. Have a look at that realy bold tyre in about 5.05, LoL
  11. Definetly going London with Gogzy. Will probably be there at 11ish Also, 8 C which means less clothes to wear But a little bit windy though!
  12. 3dd

    My Gu Video 3

    Same with drop, if you want to land softly, drop off right from the edge! Keep practicing!
  13. Chain is quite fat, I managed to snap 3 spings that i had in my 74kingz with that chain, get something lighter and thiner! Tank chain though. What chain r u using ben? Sorry for oftopic...
  14. Some good places to ride, especialy those rocks! Great video! Liked the music too
  15. 3dd

    Czar Mod

    R those HS11s? oh my god! No man, u dont want them!
  16. It's not realy a homemade, but half of 74kingz, half of dmr's, works very well, bashed few times already, still works great. But the bolt in the 74's has to be realy tight! I definetly recommend it! I stole an idea of (i think it was) Stan Shaw and Ali C. Need to get a copyrights... LoL
  17. It is normal, so dont worry at the start. When u get better if it still hurts, there mind be a problem... I know few friends who have back problems they just try to make bigger gaps between riding, and rest a bit more. Just dont abuse your back too much man.
  18. O.K. guys u should realy be unswearing Bens topic and not something else. I am not one of those famous riders, but i would love to come! Edvin
  19. 3dd

    Russian Power....

    That was amazing! What an ispiration!
  20. I am definetly going to use those! Especially 1st one! LmaO!
  21. Funny, funny, very funny! especially 2 last ones. They have asked me pretty much all of those q's. Also in that riding spot where they chuck pins - all of those pins we find we stick it to a tree, u should see how my pins it has got! like 100 or more! But it's probably better that shouting out of the window at us to get out there, we usually find all of those pins anyway.
  22. Hate that the most! What mattyboi forgot to say that they through pins out, but never actually spoken to us that they dont like us riding in that spot and still keep chucking pins out...
  23. 3dd


    Great video! The course looked realy wet and bloody hard. What a challenge!
  24. 3dd

    Artem Sysoev - Drive

    U have got some great skills man! 1 thing, i have noticed, lack of ups! P.S. Molodec! No nuzno bolse up'ov v video
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