Fkin hell man, u did that ages ago, should have asked me before or gogz to do it, hje had some spare hose left, could have just paid for that and done. Have u actualy done it now? Give me oil, can bleed what ever u want.
Congrats of getting new wheels man! Maybe soon upgrade for front magies? Careful with those lightguys, wouldn't recommend doing gaps to front! Guess what i got new frame and forks will post it soon, when it's finished! I love it already! Ride with u soon!
I am front the same country and town PNWZS rules, heh! Great riding, i got the same frame but in 26. You run realy low preasures though! Kaip ten Sania?
Great video editing and riding! I never got bored when watching it! Realy liked the end too! What can i say! Amazing! Website looks simple and easy to use
Great riding! By the way XTS has got the same frame as me, damn! Left footed and has got similar style LOL. Кстате XTS пробывал тебе пм написат, почему-то запрещяет. ;-) Помню ты мне один раз написал как то, ответить не смог Кто-то кого капирует? Как тебе рама? Я на прошлой неделе её получил. Намного удобней чем мой бывшый адамант
Koxx people probably designed it for 2.5 try-all tyre as it's about the same as 2.35 in maxxis, because has got les side tread? I would love to try that frame! As you said, should feel stiff, light and realy nice geo too! Unfortunately this frame costs 3 times more than my current one
Eveyone keeps saying about that gearing, but ratio is only 0.0142857 harder from 18:15. Maybe the response that might feel a bit different? Am i right? What does S. Shaw think, he has been riding that gearing?
And me. Now I can prety much do the same to both sides. But can only sidehop to back to the left! Weird! Ddone 10 hopes max on the front wheel! Just getting into manual now...